Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

iMate Ultimate 9502

Samsung Blackjack 2 Launch - AT&T

IMate Ultimate and Winplus Yada

Blackjack 2: Slimmer, Sexier, and a Better Battery

Samsung unveiled the Blackjack 2 today during Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's keynote address kicking off the CTIA Wireless IT & Entertainment Conference in San Francisco, CA.  The Blackjack 2 is...

Live from San Francisco: CTIA Wireless IT & Entertainment 2007

Greetings from the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.  Ordinarily I'd hate to be inside on such a glorious Indian Summer day here in Northern California, but it's CTIA week, so I'm happily posting...

CTIA '07 SF: "After the iPhone"

I'm here at the "After the iPhone: Q&A" discussion at Mobile Entertainment Live!  The discussion centers around iPhone's impact on the cellular industry, looking at both the new features and user...

Samsung F700 Ultra Smart Hands-On

Noah introduces us to the Samsung Juke

With the Samsung U470 being slated as the Juke, this has to be short for Jukebox since the device offers a 2GB music player and comes with stereo earphones and a USB cable right out of the box. ...

Samsung Juke for Verizon Wireless

Win a Samsung phone: reader meetup!

With only a couple days left, Noah wanted to remind everyone about the Samsung meetup happening Monday October 22, 2007 in San Francisco.  Enjoy free food, drinks, and your chance to win a brand new... Reader Meetup!

At long last: VZW Samsung i760 on sale October 19th

Verizon Wireless just sent over a press release announcing the long-awaited release of the Samsung i760 smartphone.  Actually, I don't know if folks are still "awaiting" this one or not, as it was...

Noah's Video review of the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet

Hands on from the launch of the new Nokia N810 Internet Tablet, Noah takes us on a hands-on tour of the device and talks about Nokia's plans for Web 2.0 and WiMax.  Read full story here Check it out...

First look: Noah attended the unveiling of Nokia's N810 in San Francisco

As expected, Nokia unveiled the N810 Internet Tablet today over eggs and coffee at the Four Seasons Hotel in San Francisco.  The press event was a prelude to the Web 2.0 Summit which kicks off later...

iPhone Watch: Steve Jobs Embraces Third-Party Apps; SDK in February

Straight from the horse's mouth on today: "Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers? hands in February."  The...
