Anna Scantlin

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Anna Scantlin

Anna is a Contributing Editor at She was born and raised in Kansas City, which ironically is not located in Kansas, but in neighboring Missouri. She has an ornery son named Riley, who may or may not be more obsessed with technology than she is. Her passions include writing, drawing, gaming, music, and of course mobile tech! She's been a member of the PhoneDog team since August of 2012 and is a serial cell phone hoarder.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Do you make exceptions to your budget for phones?

I think we can all safely assume that the reason we are here on this beloved website of ours is because we are all bananas over cell phones, and the ever-changing technology they have to offer us....

Our phones and gaming

  When I was a young lady and carried flip phones, I remember spending a lot of time I would normally spend “waiting” (doctor’s office, bus rides, maybe even a couple of classes but you didn’t hear...

Jealous of Jelly Bean

  There’s something that’s becoming increasingly more enticing about Android lately, and I’m not sure if it’s all of the cool stuff they’re coming out with or the fact that their software is named...

Why I don't trust mobile payment services

  I read the article posted today where ISIS is coming out with a mobile payment service in October, and I thought to myself, how scary! All of my money would be stored and accessible on that phone...

What's important to you in a phone?

  Today I had lunch with a friend of mine. Our chitter-chatter was normal for the most part, but in the middle of our visit she took out her phone, and I saw she was carrying a Palm Pixi. I said...

Windows Phone has the potential, so why don't they utilize it?

  Lately I’ve been doing a lot of reading on Windows Phone. The last Windows (Mobile) device I owned was a Palm Treo Pro, which had a wonderfully constructed keyboard, and it felt good in the hands...

Samsung Galaxy S III Mini: misnamed or misunderstood?

  This past Wednesday, Samsung announced that they were to release a device called the Samsung Galaxy S III Mini. Presumably this meant that the phones would be exactly the same except, of course,...

How do you personalize your cell phone?

  Every person has his or her own personal taste when it comes to hobbies, design, likes, dislikes, and so forth. Many of us show our personalities and who we are through different methods every day...

22 months is too long for upgrades

  It’s cloudy and gloomy around these parts today, so it seemed like a good day to give the ol’ Sprint store a visit to play on the cell phone playground that we all know and love. I toyed around...

Which do you prefer: tablet or smartphone?

  Smartphones and tablets have a lot in common these days, namely their large size and similar operating systems. The people who I most often see with tablets generally have a corresponding mobile...

The evolution of smartphones

  Every time I read about a new flagship phone, there’s usually one or two things about it that make me think, “Wow, I can’t believe a phone can do that!” These devices that we carry with us are...

RIM/BlackBerry: Too little, too late?

It’s been a while since I’ve looked at the name ‘BlackBerry’ and actually considered purchasing a phone from them. BlackBerrys had their heyday some years back - a time where if you didn’t have a...

iPhone 5: Taller, prettier, thinner, and boring

I originally titled this article “My top 7 favorite things about the iPhone 5”, but after I started jotting down my thoughts about the new (and improved…?) device, I soon realized I couldn’t come up...

Lumias, RAZRs, and iPhones...oh my!

September has arrived, and subsequently become the life of the party so far this year in the mobile tech industry. Just barely into the month and we already have a ton of announcements regarding...

Why I haven't broken up with my iPhone 4S

Many people involved in the mobile tech world switch phones as soon as a new one comes out – which seems like every day sometimes. Some people want the latest and greatest, and there’s nothing wrong...
