Anna Scantlin

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Anna Scantlin

Anna is a Contributing Editor at She was born and raised in Kansas City, which ironically is not located in Kansas, but in neighboring Missouri. She has an ornery son named Riley, who may or may not be more obsessed with technology than she is. Her passions include writing, drawing, gaming, music, and of course mobile tech! She's been a member of the PhoneDog team since August of 2012 and is a serial cell phone hoarder.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

The best of both worlds: A touchscreen with physical buttons

When it comes to moving forward with technology, touchscreens seem to be the only way to push ahead (as we can see with examples like BlackBerry). While typing on my various touchscreen devices, I...

I agree with Google's sentiment that passwords are a thing of the past

  When I say “thing of the past” I don’t mean that the world is golden and nobody uses them anymore because we all trust each other not to do anything malicious should an unauthorized party get...

What are some of the most interesting phone accessories you've seen?

Long gone are the days where you could manage to walk out of the cell phone store with nothing but a new phone, a car charger, and maybe a Bluetooth headset if you were feeling particularly...

Have you ever successfully located your lost device using its GPS?

  I presume that most of us, at one point or another, have lost our phone somewhere. Sometimes we’re lucky and it turns out to be under a misplaced book or an article of clothing, or even in our own...

Why are companies allowed to use "unlimited" as a term for 2GB of data?

  In not-so-surprising news, it turns out that Straight Talk’s “unlimited” data plan for the iPhone 5 (and iPhone 4S) is just like the majority of data plans being offered in the U.S. right now and...

Oh, Apple... you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

I do hope that some of you are gamers so you can appreciate the reference I made in the title, but in the case that you are not (or have never played the game in reference) I’m sure you can still...

What do you think about Android? on a desktop?

Android is one of the biggest mobile operating systems on the market today. The number of people making the switch from other mobile platforms to Android is happening often - and quickly. Two of...

Do you think that the iPhone is tailored for an older crowd?

I recently read an article about how Android is tailored more for the younger generation and the iPhone is for older people. Android has more features, more customization, and a wider variety of...

It's the little things that make me appreciate my phone more

When we think of our phones in a traditional sense we think of the high tech, high resolution, fast processor lean mean machines that they have become. They’re great for keeping our lives...

Why everything gets compared to Apple products

This is just something that popped into my head today: every time I open an article about a new phone coming out (today, for instance, regarding the new BlackBerry Z10 device coming in both white...

Could Apple benefit from a ?cheap? iPhone?

A rumor that I’ve been seeing around every corner recently is that Apple may be planning to release “cheap” iPhones sometime in the near future. While it’s true that Apple is no longer the “top...

Have the previews at CES shut out the hype for BlackBerry 10?

Over the past few days we’ve had the privilege of being able to preview a select few of the many devices we can expect to see debut this year. We’ve seen future devices from Sony, Huawei, and ZTE...

Is it too late for Sprint and Windows Phone 8?

We’ve gotten to hear about a lot of exciting new products and announcements this week at CES, and now that the hubbub is slowly dying down we have some time to analyze some of the insight we’ve...

The Sony Xperia Z and ZL look promising

I recently watched the videos Taylor posted regarding the new devices we can expect to see coming from Sony during the first quarter this year: the Xperia Z and the slightly differential Xperia ZL....

LTE to cut my battery consumption by 50%? Count me in!

    Yahoo! News reported on Friday that according to tests conducted by ST-Ericsson next-generation LTE Radios with VoLTE capabilities can actually cut the battery usage in our phones by 50%. Many...
