Well, that didn’t take long.
Less than one day after back panels for the DROID MAXX 2 leaked out, new images claim to show the phone in its entirety. Included is a Verizon and DROID-branded backplate similar to the ones we saw yesterday, as well as preloaded Voicemail and Verizon Messages apps from the big red carrier.
According to the CPU-Z app, this device is model number XT1565 (lux_verizon). It’s listed as having a Snapdragon 615 processor, 5.46-inch 1920x1080 display, 21-megapixel camera, 2GB of RAM, and a 3630mAh battery, all of which are features of the Moto X Play. What’s interesting is that this DROID MAXX 2 is listed as having only 8.14GB of storage (5.98GB available to the user), whereas the Moto X Play comes with 16/32GB of storage. Here’s to hoping that the X Play’s microSD slot makes the jump to the DROID MAXX 2.
While unconfirmed, it seems likely that the DROID MAXX 2 will be the only version of the Moto X Play to come to the US, which is a bit of a bummer for non-Verizon folk that want the device. Of course, GSM users have a couple of ways around that, like importing an X Play from another country or using an unlocked DROID MAXX 2. Those options may not be the same as wide Moto X Play availability, but hey, they’re better than noting.