Marco is back with another episode of The Weekly Bone with the ZTE Vital Review, Samsung Galaxy S4 zoom Review, and Samsung's upcoming developer's conference! ZTE is a company that makes affordable smartphones for the masses in China. They usually stay out of the U.S. market but when they do come over, it's typically to make a Cricket or Boost Mobile phone. Now, ZTE is taking on a much larger task with the ZTE Vital on Sprint. The specs are great and the price won't break your wallet.
Samsung's Galaxy S4 zoom is a device with one particular audience, picture takers and those without digital cameras. The device doesn't have all the horsepower of the flagship Galaxy S 4, but the camera is fantastic. Lastly, Samsung is planning to hold their own developer's conference, similar to WWDC and Google I/O. It will be taking place in San Francisco, CA in October. What are we going to see? Maybe some new TouchWiz upgrades and even some new hardware.
All that and more in this week's episode of The Weekly Bone!