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BlackBerry Storm's software flaws is the

BlackBerry Storm's software flaws is the "new reality," according to RIM's co-CEO

I'm as much of a RIM supporter as any BlackBerry addict is, however according to their playbook, when your flagship device is launched with numerous software and hardware flaws, it's okay to tell the...
Verizon lights a fire under the old home phone

Verizon lights a fire under the old home phone

February first will see the launch of the Verizon Hub - a VoIP home phone replacement that works through virtually any broadband connection. As you can see below, it's a slick device that combines a...
The T-Mobile G1 Android software update looks yummy

The T-Mobile G1 Android software update looks yummy

T-Mobile's G1 software updates to the Android platform, have been widely discussed although no one knows when they are coming for sure. Some lovely images of Cupcake, as the the updated version has...
Sprint offers the Treo Pro from Palm

Sprint offers the Treo Pro from Palm

After the unveiling the stunning Palm Pre at CES a couple weeks ago, Sprint came out this week with a hefty rebate on the Treo Pro from Palm. Slashing the price in an attempt to encourage any...
Handsets go retro with YUBZ

Handsets go retro with YUBZ

Let's face it, the worst thing about the iPhone is having to put your face up to it. Not to mention, that nine times out of ten, you are sitting at your desk and choose your mobile over your desk...
HTC announces the new and improved Touch Cruise and HTC Footprints

HTC announces the new and improved Touch Cruise and HTC Footprints

Today HTC announced a new and improved version of the Touch Cruise, which comes with HTC Footprints, a new application that lets users snap personal shots of a special place or moment on-the-go and...
Ultimate Mobile Accessories - LG Prada Line

Ultimate Mobile Accessories - LG Prada Line

  In October, we got the official LG Prada II announcement with all the product specs and features. Comparable to the first pricey iteration of the device, the next generation of this fashion device...
Subscribe: PhoneDog TV now on iTunes

Subscribe: PhoneDog TV now on iTunes

Maybe you love watching videos on your iPhone or iPod.  Maybe you hate YouTube.  Maybe you like subscriptions.  Or maybe you just like being in the know.  Whatever the case, read on ... All of our...
Eton Hybrid Cell Phone Charger

Eton Hybrid Cell Phone Charger

While Samsung may be helping out the cause by offering charging stations in major airports at no cost to the traveler, you really can't rely on being able to find an open outlet nowadays. In this...
Android-based Kogan Agora delayed indefinitely

Android-based Kogan Agora delayed indefinitely

The surprise, the admiration, the charming tale of the ?little guy? possibly besting the big corporations ? it was all too irresistible. Now we find that Aussie Ruslan Kogan, the independent who?d...
Music Wars: BlackBerry vs. iPhone

Music Wars: BlackBerry vs. iPhone

Apparently, according to Rim co-CEO, Jim Ballsillie, BlackBerry is all over the mobile music game...who knew? Yes - I have called fellow BlackBerry users only to be greeted with lovely answer rings,...
BlackBerry Storefront now accepting applications

BlackBerry Storefront now accepting applications

That is, applications filled out by a person who wants to sell a product; and apps, as in the kind that run on your cell phone. Though it will be a little while before the unveiling, this signals one...
Nokia's N79 Active model helps you stay fit

Nokia's N79 Active model helps you stay fit

So there are a host of products that a person can wear during exercise to measure heart rate, body temp, distance traveled, steps taken, etc. Many people, myself included, like to wear an MP3 player...
iPhone app: Get some Gratitude

iPhone app: Get some Gratitude

If I made a list of all the things I'm grateful for, the resumption of Battlestar Galactica Friday night would be near the top of the list. (Above that would be good friends, family, health and, of...
Bolt brings better browsing to dumb phones

Bolt brings better browsing to dumb phones

Yeah, feature phone sounds a lot better. But when you're trying to hit the web on a low-end handset, feature doesn't really describe the experience, does it? I just installed a beta version of a new...
Android: RC31 brings features, battery life

Android: RC31 brings features, battery life

Just a quick update for Android lovers: according to the buzz, by the end of the month, G1 owners will have improved battery life and at least some of the cupcake features we've covered recently....


Let me know if the following string means anything to you: 32957a35889c4dd2f8dfe483dd9023eafb6b4a22. Well, it means something to more than a few geeks out there, and it's apparently what's cluing...
Third-party browsers coming to iPhone

Third-party browsers coming to iPhone

I'm not saying the delays are for common reasons, but those of you following Noah's Macworld coverage caught his piece on Newber's struggle to get Apple's approval for sales. Well, all of a sudden, a...
iPhone app: Slacker's no slouch for internet radio

iPhone app: Slacker's no slouch for internet radio

Pandora shmandora. I've had enough of hearing the same song cycle over and over (and over) again. It can't quite seem to get my taste right. (Just because I like Journey doesn't mean I dig all the...
Steve Jobs steps down from Apple (temporarily)? Seriously.

Steve Jobs steps down from Apple (temporarily)? Seriously.

In an apparent 180 degrees from his previous announcement, when Steve Jobs treated his hormone imbalance like a skinned knee (certainly not like the life-altering problem responsible for his radical...
