If you're a BlackBerry fan, you're probably familiar with the rumors and rumblings over the years about a touchscreen, QWERTY-equipped device. Previously known as the "Magnum," intel over the past few months has uncovered a codename shift to "Dakota." The pictures seen here, taken by The Cellular Guru and posted on the internet today, appear to show some sort of BlackBerry prototype. I'm not entirely sure if the device is a Magnum or Dakota prototype, and since there's no OS screenshot, it's difficult to make an assumption as to what model it is. What's more, this could be an older prototype that was scrapped - a theory that I would actually side with, given the older design in comparison to today's models.
Let the speculation begin! How do you feel about a touchscreen and QWERTY combo? Personally, I've never been a fan of the design. I've always disliked devices that offer both, as I feel like you're splitting your time between typing on the keyboard and navigating on the touchscreen (hence a continuous up/down motion, all day long). What about you?
Via CrackBerry