Days after the N97 was unleashed upon the world, Nokia's next touchscreen phone may have been leaked via a PowerPoint presentation slide. Then again, this could be entirely fake, or just a conceptual mockup created by Nokia for said presentation. Also, wouldn't that first line read, "large volume and growth," not "volumes," plural? Not sure, but either way it's an odd sentence for an official Nokia presentation. But, hey, it's fun to look at, right?
According to a Google translation of, "Yesterday took place the Capital Markets Day in Brooklyn. This has enabled us to glimpse a kind of prototype, fully tactile, and which appears on track to move as a competitor to the iPhone. The iPhone-Killer would be Nokia?"
Yeah, yeah, enough with the iPhone-Killer stuff, already. Looks like a cool phone, and that line about the Direct UI is intriguing. And while BGR says the device's UI "looks absolutely nothing like S60," Symbian-Freak claims the mockup is in fact S60 5th Edition, and not a new Linux-based platform as has been talked about earlier this week.
Me, I'm thinkin' this is just a fanboy mockup. But it's a cool one, and Nokia should be unveiling some more new stuff just after New Year's (perhaps at CES starting Jan 7th), so why not throw it to the Dog Pound to see what y'all think, right?