First was Apple's iPhone App Store. Then came word that T-Mobile was developing an App Store
whose launch might coincide with that of the Google Android-powered HTC
Dream phone, though it would serve up apps for all T-Mobile devices.
And now it's Skymarket for Windows Mobile 7, the latest in platform-based software stores.
Unwired View
has published a Microsoft job listing detailing a Sr. Product Manager
position for Skymarket. Skymarket is set to be the App Store for WinMo
7, a one-stop shopping outpost that MS hopes will be the place to go
for WM software starting sometime next year. I'm not just making that
up - the place to go bit is straight from the job description:
Okay, they said "place to be," not "place to go."
But that's just a grammatical thing: Developers will want to "be"
there, while users will want to "go" there. Or so Microsoft hopes,