There's been little to no other information about an HTC-made Android tablet other than this trademark filing, but a new report claims to have launch info for the still-unannounced device. According to device component suppliers speaking with Digitimes, HTC is set to release an Android tablet named the Flyer in March with the hopes of beating the XOOM and PlayBook to market. The Flyer is described as "an enlarged version" of the Desire and is said to be running Android 2.3, although it'll be upgradeable to Honeycomb later on. Those same sources also claim that HTC will be launching two more tablets in June with Android 3.0 pre-loaded.
The idea that HTC would push out a tablet without Honeycomb seems pretty surprising to me, especially since the XOOM will be launching with 3.0 in tow not long after HTC's offering comes out. I'm sure that HTC wants to launch a tablet around the same time as their competitors, but the claim that it'll come with Gingerbread has me a little skeptical. If this rumor does end up becoming reality, though, the good news is that HTC has a pretty good record of updating their devices to the latest Android OS in a timely manner, so I'm sure that the Flyer would see Honeycomb pretty quickly. So, everyone, if you had the choice, would you prefer a XOOM with Honeycomb out of the box or an HTC Flyer with Gingerbread and a promised Honeycomb upgrade?
Via Digitimes