So my favorite app for the new iPhone firmware is a surprise, at least to me. AOL Radio takes the cake so far. Why? 'Cause I can get WFAN from New York on it. I'm a sports radio junkie and while I've come to really love KNBR out here in San Francisco, and The Dan Patrick Show on pdocast, I miss the FAN. Nothin' like Steve Sommers (is he even still around?) and Jerome from Manhattan to brighten up the workday or soothe me to sleep when it's late and I'm tossing and turning.
While WFAN does stream via iTunes and their own Website, listening to my laptop in the car or in bed isn't so practical. So it was a ncie surprise to see the FAN listed on the new AOL Radio for iPhone/iPod Touch app. I hooked the iPhone into my car stereo for the drive down to Silicon Valley today and caught up on the latest NYC sports news - for nostaligia's sake as much as anything else, I'll admit. The app worked well via EDGE and 3G, only dropping the stream twice during the 20-30 minutes I listened -- and dropping out in more or less the same place each time (once on the way down South and the other coming back home). I'm guessing the peformance will be even better via WiFi at home.
If you've got an iPhone or Touch, check out the free AOL Radio app -- and also check out Pandora, which is a pretty interesting "Roll your own radio station" service. You can also access them both from your computer's Web browser.
Check it out on the AOL Radio for iPhone home page.