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Having been founded in 1899, Sprint is one of the earliest cell phone companies throughout America. Because of this, the company has went on to become among the most recognized network providers and now owns one of the largest networks in the country. Some of the best loved features that other customers enjoy about Sprint include a truly unlimited data plan and a number of varying priced contract options.

Are you thinking about getting a contract under Sprint? Take time to read the comments that other Sprint users have left behind. With the help of these comments, you’ll be able to determine whether or not Sprint is the network for you!

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Based on 603 Reviews

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friends don't let friends use sprint !

Posted on: May 27th, 2009 by dale fields

The good: simply everthing planThe bad: customer service ,my local coverage area,they can't keep their billing in orderSummary: spent 4 monthes trying to straighten out my bill ,they charged minutes on a unlimited plan . the customer service is a joke . I spent hours trying to buy a nascar fan view from service reps in India ,on of the reps sent me a 10 dollar battery cover instead of a 400 dollar fanview . they say I'm stuck with them for 6 more monthes. I'm leaving this company the day my contract ends .

This review is the subjective opinion of the user and not of PhoneDog.com

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Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.

Whatever Happen To Good Customer Service

Posted on: April 22nd, 2009 by Anonymous

The good: I love the phone service through Sprint. Never had any problems with my bill beside little odds and ends, but was able to get credit for some of the service back. Never had any dropped calls, always have clear service.The bad: Sprint has one of the most uneducated and horrible customer service reps in the world. They speak to you like you are beneath them. I just try and make sure that my bill is paid each month and I don't ask for any other type of optional services because they are over priced and they're not giving you anything for trying the service out. When you do call them and you will have to at one point, they will talk to you horrible and still charge you for talking to a rep. What a rip-offSummary: I would never advise anyone to get service with this company. Once my contract is up, I will take my business elsewhere. There's nothing good with the service if the Customer Service Reps don't treat you professionally. I'm not sure if they realize that if we did not have their service, they would be out of a job...Hmmmmmm. After being with them for 9 years, I just can't believe that they still have nasty attitudes. In today's economy they really need to shape up or leave, because if alot of us leave the company, Sprint will be forced to bankrupt.

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Service Quality:
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Would Recommend to a friend.

An Insider's Perspective

Posted on: April 11th, 2009 by John Smith

The good: Active customer service upgrade, outstanding network coverage, new CEO, 4G service in the works, Simply Everything PlanThe bad: Length of time to get rebate, small selection of phonesSummary: I recently began an intense 12 week training course with Sprint and in the process have learned quite a bit. To give my customers the best service possible I have spent hours researching other carriers--on my own time, mind you--and have found most of them lacking. Verizon, for one, does not have service in my area, and I live in a highly populated area. I have never had a dropped call with Sprint and the network has been consistent wherever I travel.Dan Hesse took over as Sprint's CEO not too long ago and immediately began a complete overhaul of Sprint's customer service. A new program is being implemented within Sprint's call centers that will create a uniformity rarely seen within a company. No longer will you call and ask for help only to be denied by one rep and approved by another. That alone will change the way people view Sprint's customer service, but much more is being done as well. Verizon claims to have the best network but in reality Sprint has spent decades laying the best network possible--it's the customer service that was always lacking, and now they're making strides in catching up with others such as Verizon. Also, 4G is coming, and coming soon. Parts of the east coast already have it, and it will undoubtedly spread like wildfire once testing is complete.The Simply Everything plan is what takes the cake. No carrier can compare to this. For $99.99/month you receive unlimited data, unlimited SMS, unlimited voice--unlimited everything. Each additional line is $89.99. Though this sounds like a lot of money, shop around. No carrier offers an everything plan like this. Usually you will pay a set fee for a set amount of minutes, then an additional fee for added features like unlimited text, unlimited data. The Everything plan with Sprint is all-inclusive, and you simply will not find a better deal.There are cons, of course. I've found that mail in rebates take 21 days from the date of receipt before they will begin being processed. You're looking at a total of 10-12 weeks before you'll receive a check. This can be frustrating, and what's worse is when you have conflicting information within Sprint as to how long it takes to process a rebate. Again, they are making active steps toward eliminating conflicting information, and this is one area where you'll see a huge change in customer service quality in the future.Also, the phone selection is limited. On the other hand, I do believe Sprint has picked the cream of the crop for their phone selection. You have the HTC Touch Pro & Touch Diamond, a few different Blackberrys, all of which are great (I have the Curve and have had the LG Lotus and the Diamond), and will have the Palm Pre and Instinct S30 before long. Are there more cons? Surely. What I've noticed, however, is that Sprint has good customer service with the goal of becoming excellent within the next year. The phones are quality, the network excellent, the tech support knowledgeable. From an

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Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Recommend to a friend.

Great Experience With Sprint

Posted on: January 10th, 2009 by Anonymous

The good: Very Good Service Quality, Excellent Value, Great Customer Service at Sprint StoresThe bad: Customer service on the phone is terrible compared to the great service offered at Sprint's company stores (That may sound ridiculous but trust me, it's true!).Summary: Sprint has a great reliable network, my phone bill is reasonable and almost always the same every month (so I am very rarely shocked when it comes in the mail), and a wide range of service plans are offered that cater to people with various needs. Sprint is a great carrier for phone service and I do not understand some of the negative reviews I heard since I have had no problems with them and live in a rural area about an hour outside of St. Louis (where service conventionally wouldn't be expected to be good). Sprint is a great choice if you want the best overall combination of good phone service and value.

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Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.

Sprint - Where's the rebate???

Posted on: December 16th, 2008 by Elsa Rueda

The good: NONEThe bad: EVERYTHINGSummary: I've been with Nextel since like for-ever. I've had up to four phones at one time - never a problem. Down to service for 2 phones no contracts for years I lose one. I called Sprint to have the service de-activated and went and purchased a new phone (not a nextel) but "the rumor" w/Sprint. I asked them if they could give me a "good deal" since I've been a loyal Nextel customer and they gave me a small mthly percent off plus a $50.00 mail in rebate. It was supposed to take 14 days - after 3 wks and no rebate I called SPRINT and they told me it takes some time to process the checks? I waited another mth. and no rebate so I called again, and now am told I have to continue to wait an additional 2-3mths. Come 3 mths later I call again, and now they say I've been declined. Why? Because I didn't sign a two year contract? Uh, the sales person never mentioned this... the first call I made never mentioned this... I never received any written statement stating this. But the form w/receipt attached I mailed in apparently in the fine print states that. My 30 days to return the phone passed - duh... nice move Sprint... So now I'm told either I sign up for a two year contract or no rebate. What does that smell like to you - yes, the consumer? One word...SCAM. Sprint can take their phone and service and shove it. Soon as the year is up bye-bye Sprint.

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Review Rating: 

Would Recommend to a friend.

I love Sprint!

Posted on: December 8th, 2008 by Marvin Amiths

The good: MRC vs. competitors.SPEED!The bad: Limited phone selection.Summary: I have to say that I really do love my phone company. Ever since I've started with them, it's been nothing but greatness and I'd gladly choose them over the competitors! Now, that's not blind comparison, mind you. I've had AT&T and T-Mobile and the coverage (in my area) just wasn't as good. With Sprint, I've never had a dropped call and every time I use the internet (all the time, everywhere!) it's been blazingly fast! Some time ago, I had Helio service and absolutely loved the coverage and speed I experienced with them. I knew that they piggy-backed off of Sprint, so I was pretty optimistic about coming over. But of course, I was a little hesitant because of what I'd heard about them. To be honest with you, my experience with Sprint has been totally opposite from everything that I'd heard. Their customer service totally rocks and like I've said before, I just love their service coverage/speed. I currently use the Everything 450 data plan and it's perfect for my needs: minimal calling, MAXIMUM internet usage, heavy messaging, gps services, etc.... The same services on say, AT&T, would cost me a bit more each month, so I know I'm getting a great deal (funny enough, I work for AT&T). Sprint's come a long way from what it used to be, and I admire what Dan Hesse is doing to turn this company around. The only con to Sprint is their SEVERELY limited selection in phones. I'd definitely love for them to expand that, and I'm sure with time, more interesting handsets will appear. On a positive note, I do currently use the Instinct and it's pretty much the best phone I've ever had. It completely keeps my life together and does everything I need it to do! All in all, if I were asked if I would ever recommend this company to anyone, I would say MOST DEFINITELY! As a matter of fact, I already have :) So try them out and experience "Life at Sprint Speed!"

This review is the subjective opinion of the user and not of PhoneDog.com

Service Quality:
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Review Rating: 

Would Recommend to a friend.

SPRINT is the Cheapest, Fastest 3G Service Ever way CHEAPER then the overrated verizon

Posted on: November 30th, 2008 by Anonymous

The good: Everything plan starting at $69 way cheaper then verizon, 4G upcoming speeds for mobile broadband network, great choices for phones The bad: Lack of reception for some areas but overall its reception is excellent.Summary: I have had sprint for a long time and they just keep getting better and better and better then verizon everyday i had verizon before and beliacve me u never want to go with there plans are outragouesly exspensive i cant beliave they are still in service . lol ALSO if u a type of person that likes the speed of internet and mobile broad band then SPRINT is the way to go due to its nation fastest realible speeds also its UPCOMING 4G network WAit did i just say 4G yes i did sprint is going to be thes first company with it also they are GOIN to have it for at least 2-3 years befor verizon and att can get there false ad hands on it YES u just read that and yes sprint will Have 4G for 2-3 before other carreirs and if u dont beliave me then google search Sprint WIMAX and take a look for ur self Sprint is overall a great service with cool phones and cheap plans there is no reason not to get the NOW network i rate this company 9.5 out of 10 for there cheap service prices

This review is the subjective opinion of the user and not of PhoneDog.com

Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Recommend to a friend.

Simmer Down Sprint Haters!

Posted on: November 14th, 2008 by RadRed 8204

The good: Everything.The bad: None.Summary: Listen - I know people get upset and need to vent and these forums/reviews/etc. are the best place to do so, but listen Sprint is doing much better. I just have to tell you I have Sprint and I love it. Even when you talk to people that are "foreign" and live in a different country they are really trying to help you and yes they do have to repeat what you are saying, but they are actively tryint to assist you, but simply want to make sure they understand what you are saying. So what?!! But otherwise, the service is great and so is customer service. They have made leaps and bounds. I think I have more issues with the store reps then the call center agents. But even then not enough for me to say I hate Sprint. The store agents are not as good only because they dont get as much training because of such high turnover. And I did my research on all carriers. All you have to do is type in I hate Verizon or I hate AT&T - what do you get? Same complaints. You know if Sprint does not work for you that does not make them a bad company, just not right for you. It is the same for anything else. For example, everyone had the favorite restaurant vs. the fast food place, or clothing store vs. cheap store, the places that sell them the goods they need and want. If Sprint is not that place - quit complaining and quit bashing an entire people who are just doing their job, when it is a tower you are mad at, or a single person. They have limitations too. Not everyone can give you what you want, but when they try to get you to someone who can don't get mad at them. You don't know what they can or cannot do. And I know this because I have read most of the reviews. The things people get so mad about are so trivial, only a few people have legitimate complaints. For example, the user whose mother passed and no one could reach her. Could you imagine? But she is really the only one that deserves to really be upset. Everyone else, mostly seems you got your issue taken care of and no harm was done. I am just saying that Sprint is improving. "I hate Sprint" "OMG Customer Service STinks" - the only reason people say that is because Sprint is the easy target. Let me tell you one thing though. I have had Verizon and I have had AT&T and I promise you if you have a problem and you want your activation fee or upgrade fee waived because they said it would be, or you were charged proration without being told, or even you incurred overage for the first time ever and just need a courtesy credit to help out w/ half the charges - you will not get it. So all of you who say Sprint does not care - how many adjustments to your bill did you get? How many I'm sorry to see this happened? I would dare say a lot - Sprint has heart. Verizon and AT&T they don't. So go to them if you want, but I dare say you will wish you had stayed with Sprint. So for all the millions Sprint loses - I want to know how many want to come back or will be. Sprint is great and I am sorry for some who have had life changin

This review is the subjective opinion of the user and not of PhoneDog.com

Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.

Are you saving anything just because you pay less!!!

Posted on: October 1st, 2008 by Molly R

The good: The cost of the plan....well maybe if the quoted credits actually shows up on the bill in the next few monthsThe bad: Customer service...call quality...the list goes onSummary: Anyone living in Bend with Sprint or Verizon? Satisfied with Verizon in CA...Moved to Bend..no Verizon...picked Sprint..this was 4 yrs ago...no real problems...but phone service was not as good as Verizon..My Contract is up..the store offered what seemed a good deal...chose the Instinct...It is a pain..to make a call..the one button is on the top...push it once ..no twice! the phone freezes,trying to read a page on the web..well how much time do you have to push a page around to read it in parts. the TV freezes..goes frame by frame..splits..the pic stops while the talking goes on...I find using the phone is more trouble than it is worth...to many steps involved, etc...I am canceling..my contract extension is up in 2 days..Not sure where I will go next...Verizon ? a comp plan to the one I was offered at Sprint is $110 more...worth it ..not sure...I hate the fact that the story changes from on CS rep to another...they don't follow thru....etcAn example...while in the store I was approached by a salesperson....I explained I was just looking to decide if I wanted to extend my contract.....Next thing I was approached by the manager...The deal sounded good...wanted to think it over ...2 days later went back to the store...had a very bad experience with sales person....left my # w/another explained that if they wanted to keep my business the manager would call..didn't hear a word...went in 2 days later..manager denied getting the message...the deal got better....but from that point on it went down hill like a snowball in H....Everytime I left a message for the manager to call me, I never back..would make yet another trip to the store no matter what I did she would not take the time to talk to me...I started a deal with one person and I wanted to finish with the same..so hopefully no misunderstandings...and by the way that is one reason I was trying to reach her was to clarify our agreement before I signed on the dotted line.... So all of you that are having problems with Sprint and their phones I feel your pain....

This review is the subjective opinion of the user and not of PhoneDog.com

Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.


Posted on: September 27th, 2008 by K S

The good: None! One reviewer wrote that the only con was "the phone rings". Well my phone doesn't even do that! People complain that they call me, numerous times in a row, and I never answer. I never get the calls! My mother was rushed to the hospital in June 08. The hospital tried to call me. My phone never rang. My mother DIED!!! 24 hours later I checked my messages, and there it was! The message to rush to the hospital, to talk to my mom for the last time, because she was in critical condition. Thanks The bad: You name it, and they screw it up! (in different languages)Summary: *Been with them for about 6 years. Used to live in a basement apartment, so I thought that was the reason for my dropped/missed calls. NOPE! I've since moved, twice, it's gotten worse! I can understand bad service in the middle of nowhere, but Ii live in CHICAGO!!! *They employ customer service reps from other countries! I swear the only English they know is what's written in a Sprint Customer Service Handbook! And they repeat everything you say, every time you speak, before attempting to answer your question. Do they have a translator sitting there directing them with what to say? Very strange/annoying!! *All of this is only after you've waited a LONG time to get a live person, at all. *My bills are always wrong! I don't even have enough time to list all of the issues with this!! If you can think of a billing issue, they've mastered it! *Their phone selection is minimal, and horrible! *I'm not here, explaining this all, so that I can bash Sprint simply cause I'm pissed. I too came to this site seeking an answer to the "Which carrier is the best?" question. But after reading the reviews, I realized that without people writing the reviews, I'd have nothing to compare. I've tried to be patient, for 6 years. I have an unlimited spending limit, so obviously I pay on time, and in full. (Two lines, at about $250.00/mo total) The poor service (customer service and coverage) only seems to get worse as time goes by! So, I am writing this review for two main reasons. 1. To hopefully steer potential new victims into another, better direction. 2. To let other frustrated exsisting victims (customers) know that they are not alone, it's not just you, and you should pay the $175 to cancel their service. *Look at it this way- You're more than likely gonna need to purchase a new phone, before your allowed a "special" upgrade. This means you'll wind up spending about the same, if not more, for a new phone, and have to start the renewal contract all over again. Find a new carrier first to assure you'll keep your phone number, sign a contract with them and get a new phone (for free probably), and then pay the $175 to Sprint. You'll wind up spending less, and chances are you'll have a BETTER company. WELL WORTH IT!! Well gotta go finish my research, so I can drop the loser company!

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