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PhoneDog is the best place to compare Sprint cell phone plans and phones! Check out our selection, and read reviews of Sprint. To buy a Sprint phone or plan, call Sprint at (855) 320-3417.

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Having been founded in 1899, Sprint is one of the earliest cell phone companies throughout America. Because of this, the company has went on to become among the most recognized network providers and now owns one of the largest networks in the country. Some of the best loved features that other customers enjoy about Sprint include a truly unlimited data plan and a number of varying priced contract options.

Are you thinking about getting a contract under Sprint? Take time to read the comments that other Sprint users have left behind. With the help of these comments, you’ll be able to determine whether or not Sprint is the network for you!

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Average user reviews


Based on 603 Reviews

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Service Quality:
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Would Not Recommend to a friend.

Beautiful phone rendered completely useless by inadequate network.

Posted on: March 20th, 2013 by Anonymous

Switched to Sprint from Verizon five months ago. Huge mistake. Horrible coverage. If reliability of service is important to you, do not switch to Sprint. I am currently considering paying the $700.00 cancellation fees on our two phones plus the cost of new phones just to leave Sprint. Don't make the same mistake, stick with Sprint or even AT&T.

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Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.

worst experience

Posted on: March 14th, 2013 by Kelli Malinowski Lear

We joined sprint after being with Verizon for many years because of them being cheaper...ding, ding, ding...they are CHEAP FOR A REASON BECAUSE THEY ARE HORRIBLE!! My service is so messed up, every time I call they say they are updating the towers. I pay 270 a month for service that I dont even get. I am so mad at sprint or the fact I switched from Verizon which I rarely had issues with. My contract ends December of this year and rest assure Verizon..I will be back. Sprint..go suck it.

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Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.

liars and cheaters

Posted on: March 12th, 2013 by Wendy Curry Collins

Sprint is all about hooking you into a contract, they lied to my face about fees I was not supposed to be charged that they charged me for anyway, after 2 hours on phone with customer service they told me they were so sorry but it doesnt matter what the store tells you they have to charge you anyway, boo hoo, just got a 533.00 bill Im stuck with. Thanks Sprint!

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Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.


Posted on: March 8th, 2013 by Elvira Ismagilova

Customer service is horrible. They can not even transfer you to different departments. They are one big mess there. Giving me the number with different extension number in order to reach the department that I need.

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Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.

Worst Customer Service

Posted on: February 25th, 2013 by Anonymous

I spoke with a Sprint supervisor, Debra, today and I couldn't be more disappointed. Sprint does everything they can to get every last dollar out of their customers, while providing no consumer consideration or care. When Sprint messes up, customers pay more. Go with a different service provider ASAP.

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Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.

Horrible Service/Customer Service

Posted on: February 25th, 2013 by Anonymous

We signed up with Sprint in Sept 2011. Since March of 2012 up to Feb 15th 2013 we have had nothing but trouble with our service. 1 month shy of a year worth of phone calls to customer service, internet chat w/tech, and multiple trips to the tech store front resulted in us finally canceling service. Since March of 2012 we have had dropped calls, unable to make phone calls, no internet service unless we are connected to wifi. Every time we called we were told that the towers were being updated. Orginally that was going to be fixed by the end of summer and were offered a credit of $30 for 4 months (keep in mind that on a $200 monthly bill that is not much). So took the offer and decided to wait it out. I gave a month extra. On October 11th 2012 I called again still with the same issues. At this time I wanted cancelation options. I spoke with a representative who informed me that if we returned all 3 of our smart phones that ALL early termination fees would be waived. This representative named Billy Jones gave me his work email address and told me to email him directly after I spoke to my husband. I emailed this gentleman twice with no response. I called back and got someone else who informed me there was no record of that conversation and she did not even know who Billy Jones was. I was also informed that the option he gave me is not an option at all. So here we are stuck with a decision of stick it out unil 2014 with no service and pay $200 a month or pay $975 in early termaination fee's. Things got worse from that point. Phone service turned into waiting 10 minutes for a call to even connect. We never had 4g (appartently it's not in our area) the 3g didnt work, we would try to load a page and 20mins would go by with no luch. If we were connected to Wifi we were fine though. I called in a few more times about the issue and again asked about canceling with the early termination fee's waived due to the reason of cancelation. I was informed that they can not waive the fee's just because the internet was not as fast as we wanted it to be...it didnt work at all!!! After a few more conversations about the fee's being waived due to the fact that we wanted to cancel because of service issues (no other reason than that) and being denied that credit my husband and I decided we were just going to cancel. On Feb. 15th of 2013 we switched carriers and had our phone numbers ported over. This of course canceled those 2 lines immediately with sprint. I called on Feb 16th to cancel the last line on our account and I was told that service would be canceled on March 10th 2013. I called again the next day to question why it wouldnt be canceled until March b/c I wanted it canceled immediately. I was informed that Sprint does not cancel in the middle of a billing cycle so we had to wait, there would be no new charges. My bill due on March 5th covers service until the 10th. I questioned the 2 lines that were ported to the other carrier already. Turns out we are STILL paying for them even though the lines do not exist. So now I'm paying for service that doesnt exist on Sprints network and I'm paying $975 in early termination fees. I once again questioned this and asked about waiving the termination fees. I was told it was not that reps fault that we ported our numbers and Sprint does not do any pro-rating or waiving of termination fees. I asked how they could possibly continue to charge me for service that does not exsit. She stated it was in the contract I signed. At this point I was irriated beyond belief and I questioned her what about Sprint's part of the contract that provides me telephone and internet service, Sprint is not holding up on their end of the contract and that is why I am canceling. I was again informed that it is not Sprint's fault and to have a nice day. Many of my co-workers and friends/family who have Sprint are experiencing the same issues. I urge anyone thinking about switching to Sprint to NOT do it. Thank you for taking the time to read my review and I hope it helps in your decision making process.

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Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.

Worst Service Provider Ever!!!!!!!

Posted on: February 21st, 2013 by John Pimpy Longstocking

I found that Sprint cares nothing for its Customers and only cares about how long they can you in a contract. I personally dont care who Im paying for phone service as long as service is ok and my Smartphone does what its suppose to. In Pittsburgh Sprint is below Cricket as far as service and quality go. I pay over $90 a month for poor 3G coverage that I was told was going to be updated to 4G by the end of 2012. My Samsung S3 was updated to Jellybean 4.1.1 in November and features that where on the phone are gone or made very time consuming. AT&T & Verizon both offer 4g in Pittsburgh and their S3 still have those features on their Samsung phone!!!. Sprint removed the call duration from the call log so you cant tell how long the call was from the phone anymore. The phone had a Auto Reject call feature that would automatically send telemarketers to Voicemail when they called again. Sprint wants you to go into this feature and manually add each number into the phone and select it. Its a Smartphone!!! why go backwards in technology? The mangers will tell you that they will call you back after they check into the issue dont hold your breath on that one as you rarely get a call back. I had 3 escaltions tickets open and finally had a call back that was by the Executive Services department they have no idea what technology and must be using the the lowest tech cell phone that they have. So if you are looking to switch services in Pittsburgh Stay as far away as possible from Sprint get Verizon, AT&T or even Cricket cause Sprint is the worst. Whereever you leave please check other carries before going to Sprint as they dont care for their Customers!!!!!

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Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.

Terrible service!!!!!

Posted on: February 20th, 2013 by Brian Biga

I am an over the road truck driver and need my phone to call customers and brokers on the daily. The service is disgustingly bad!!! I can't tell you how many times I'd be on the phone with a hold with a broker sometimes for awhile and when they finally answer the call drops. I look at the phone and it would say I have full bars. Now I have to call them back sit on hold again. So frustrating. I added the mobile hot spot to my plan so I could use my laptop while I'm on the road and what a mistake that was. It barely worked. I was at a truck stop in Gary IN full bars and I used up 1/2 of my 4gb in about 3 hrs. I had to refresh my browser over and over and then maybe it would load. That is a good day using the hot spot. 90% of the time it didn't work at all. What a waste of money. It goes without saying I dropped that service after 3weeks of adding it. The Internet hardly ever works on the phone itself. There is a lot of waiting and waiting and waiting for anything to load. I hate this service heart and soul. Although the plan is a bit cheaper it's definitely not worth it at all. I'm canceling the service as soon as I am able to. I would much rather pay the $30-40 more per month to Verizon to get their amazing service back. I tried to save some money by switching to sprint. Huge mistake on my part but it won't ever happen again. Two middle finger to you sprint and Verizon I will be crawling back in a few days!!!!!!!!

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Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Not Recommend to a friend.

terrible service

Posted on: February 15th, 2013 by Nene Fl

I put my account in hold for 2 months which sprint should me charged for $10 a month but they did not... they did charged $80,00 each month which is a assault.. now they saying they not able to give my money back... PLEASE NEVER think about get services with SPRINT>>>>> they are a BIG LIAR.......

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Service Quality:
Customer Service:
Review Rating: 

Would Recommend to a friend.

Prepaid probably better

Posted on: February 9th, 2013 by Smokeykurt Johns

I'm switching to a straight talk smart phone which will be utilizing the same towers as my sprint phone was. Sprints towers are ok if you're in their better covered areas (depending on the area your in, it might be very bad). The coverage is not as good as Verizon, but cheaper than Verizon. Sprint customer service was hit or miss. I was with them for about 6 years. Some reps were pretty friendly (one even gave me an extra 75 mins at the time for an inconvenience I had 5 years ago, and it's still on my plan every month now). Other times I'd get a rep who was an idiot and not helpful. Unless you are the guy who needs the newest and greatest smart phone, go prepaid. Actually, if you're tech savvy enough, you can get the newest and greatest phone on prepaid networks running on Verizon towers. Worth exploring at least, especially considering how expensive cell plans are becoming. I'm testing straight talk out with a cheaper smart phone to start, and assuming I like it (two of my friend are doing it, and love it), I'll switch to a phone (switch the sim as well) that can get me even more coverage.

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