Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

All-In: Is T-Mobile Going to Wow Us With Nationwide 3G in October?

T-Mobile's been quietly, slowly rolling out their 3G network following its debut in New York City earlier this Spring.  When I say quietly, I mean it: While T-Mo currently sells a few 3G (AWS)...

MOTOMING: Motorola Launches Three New Smartphones

On the one hand, this is a China-only release for now.  On the other hand, the MING series has always been one of MOTO's most interesting lines, and there have been rumors lately about a US-bound...

Thunder: First Spy Shots of Touch Screen BlackBerry

Buckle Up ... The touchscreen media phone Battle Royale is set to rage on.  BlackBerrySync has posted some shots of the upcoming BlackBerry "Thunder" 9500, including a few looks at its media player...

Noah Answers Your Questions - The Samsung Glyde or the LG Voyager?

Q. Which device do you like better Noah, the Samsung Glyde or the LG Voyager? A.  Voyager is bigger to carry around but much easier to use.  If you want a small, cool phone that you'll use mainly...

iPhone Watch: iPhone 3G Arriving in Stores Tomorrow

I walked by the AT&T store in downtown Berkeley this morning and noticed a giant poster advertising the new iPhone 3G as, "Twice as Fast ... Half the Price."  Looks like those posters are going...

MOTO PHOTO: ZN5 Gets Favorable First Look in UK

CNET UK's tech blog, "Crave," posted a hands-on with Motorola's new "Best in the World!" cameraphone, the ZN5.  While the Nokia N82 might have something to say about that Best in the World title,...

LG Dare Review

Win a Voyager: LG Throws a VX-10000 Voyager into the Giveaway Pot!

The PhoneDog Days of Summer just got hotter thanks to our friends over at LG.  Word is a VX-10000 Voyager is on its way to the PhoneDog offices and will soon be added to our summer-long giveaway. ...

PSP-Phone: Is Sony planning a Playstation phone and leaving Ericsson out?

MarketingWeek has an article dated June 25 claiming that Sony is working on a Playstation-branded mobile phone.  This isn't news, or isn't new news anyway, but beyond the strange use of the word "...

Touch Diamond: Telus Becomes First to Launch Diamond in North America

Oh, Canada ... How Sprint customers are jealous of thee.  While we here in the States are all banking on a Sprint version of the HTC Touch Diamond before too long, our friends to the north don't have...

iPhone watch: MMS support may be coming to iPhone 3G

Take this one with a grain of salt, but iPhone Atlas (who I hadn't heard of before  now) has "received corroborated word that an AT&T employee memo lists MMS ... as a feature of the iPhone 3G." ...

Bold: New BlackBerry coming in August. But it's not a delay

A little while back I reported on a report that Bold, RIM's next-generation BlackBerry, was set for a July launch on AT&T.  That's how this whole blog rumor thing goes sometimes: we report on...
