Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Mobile Month: HTC and Samsung announce June launch events

  As if June wasn't busy enough already, two more of the mobile industry's heaviest hitters just announced launch events for later this month. Samsung is "unpacking" a new device on June 15th and...

Mobile Month: Get ready for June's flood of phones

Prepare yourself.I knew I had to grab my chance at a little time off while I could.  Economy be damned, June is shaping up to be one of the most prolific and interesting months the mobile phone...

HP Mini Netbook (Verizon Wireless)

Samsung Magnet (AT&T) - Unboxing

May 19: Palm Pre demo units arriving at Sprint stores? Announcement next week?

Will over at IntoMobile has it on good word that Palm Pre demo units have started arriving at Sprint retail outlets. According to Will's tipster, the Pres are being shipped in generic boxes under...

Sidekick: T-Mo Sidekick LX 2009 available - Activation issues reported

T-Mobile's Sidekick LX 2009 is now officially available for $249 after rebate with a new two-year contract.  While I had a few minor issues with the MySpace app on mine (mainly b/c I hadn't used my...
