Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Is HTC creating a type of fragmentation of their own?

Of all the custom interfaces in Androidland, HTC's Sense UI appears to be the fan favorite. Though some may deem it a little cartoonesque, Sense has always done a pretty good job of cleaning up and...

What does Amazon's Appstore for Android offer that Market doesn't?

  When you think of downloading applications on your new Android phone, you typically launch Android Market and peruse the endless ocean of apps. As of March 22, that may have changed as the Amazon...

Will manufacturers who focus on battery life win in the end?

If you even loosely follow my articles, you probably know that I like to complain. I'm decent at settling and being content with most technology despite all of the pitfalls I encounter. But there is...

Who will take third place in tablet market share?

Every so often, companies try their hand at the crystal ball. Based on current and past market trends, they try to predict what the future may look like in the mobile space. This time around they...

Top 5: Taylor's top five Android phones (April 2011)

Making a top five list isn't easy. Especially when phones are releasing almost weekly and slipping into obsolescence just as fast. I toyed with the list, reworked it, revised it, rearranged it, and...

Six root applications to get you started

One of the biggest decisions you can make as an Android user is whether to root your device or not. If you are one of the many who choose to tread the [not so] dangerous waters of rooting, you may...

Is the XOOM a telltale sign for Android tablets to come?

Predictions from one analyst firm claims that Android tablets will control the $70 billion tablet market by 2014. Personally, I don't believe it will take that long for Android tablets to take...

Is Android's fragmentation still a big problem?

Android has come a long way in a very short time. Starting on just one phone, the platform rose to be the most widely used mobile platform in the world, sitting atop the mobile industry. All of this...

Is Android coming to a PC near you?

A few months back, some of HP's future plans with webOS were leaked. They later confirmed the leak by telling us that they plan to include webOS (alongside Windows) with every PC that they sell in...

Why is AT&T raising the no-contract and one-year contract pricing of phones?

Earlier this morning, Ol' Blue confirmed yet another change to the way they do business. They announced that they would be raising both the one-year agreements and no-contract pricing on smartphones...

Is it surprising that the ThunderBolt is outselling the iPhone 4?

The big question since the introduction of the CDMA iPhone was how iOS would affect Android sales for Verizon. Many feared that it would drastically slow the sale of Android phones, others laughed...

Is Verizon taking Android on too strongly?

Verizon has made it very clear that they feel solely responsible for Android's success. Android was around long before it made its way over to Big Red's shelves, though it hadn't yet hit the...

Android: A look into CyanogenMod

Last week I listed and explained the advantages and disadvantages of custom ROMs. Running custom ROMs, though they will void your warranty and risk breaking your device, there is a long list of...

What will the mobile market share look like in 2015?

It has been one interesting ride if you've followed mobile news over the past two years. We've seen the rise and fall of several platforms. Most notably, Android rose from the open source software...

What does the future hold for mobile photography?

Over the past several years, camera technology has taken some major leaps. Digital cameras and video recorders that have the ability of taking excellent shots are now relatively inexpensive and...
