Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Should Apple make a bigger iPhone, too?

The word in Rumortown yesterday was that Apple, in an attempt to slow the onslaught of Android devices, is making a smaller, cheaper phone called the iPhone Nano. While I may not believe the rumors...

Is Nokia adopting Windows Phone 7 a smart move?

Over the last couple of months, it has been a mystery as to what Nokia's game plan was. We know they were looking for mobile platform alternatives, but we weren't sure which route they would take....

Is Apple really making an iPhone Nano?

Since its initial launch, the iPhone has come in one flavor. Even with second and third generations, if you wanted to take the iPhone route, the only difference you would find between one iPhone and...

Why I might consider buying the HP TouchPad

After months of speculation and numerous leaks, the HP TouchPad is finally official. New webOS hardware is long overdue, and while the phones they announced aren't exactly what we were hoping for,...

Should something be done about the way we text message?

Over the past decade, the way people communicate has completely evolved. I used to call people to make plans or to let my mother know I was alive and well. Now, just a text message away, we do it...

Should HTC move away from the candybar form factor?

Over the past three years, the design of cell phones has gone through a substantial change. Moving from the flip form factor to a candybar style, phones are now designed to allow users to more...

PhoneDog 101: Setting up contacts in Android

One of the first things you are going to want to do after purchasing your new Android device is to get your contact list where it needs to be. Luckily, this is fairly simple on Android, especially...

Will a large price tag hurt sales for the Motorola XOOM?

For some time now, the most talked about tablet has been the Motorola XOOM. Sporting a dual-core processor, a 10.1-inch display, and Google's latest Android version, the tablet has settled into the...

When it comes to smartphones, how big is too big?

I can remember back at the launch of the original iPhone when I thought it was a “big phone.” Oh, how times have changed. Over the past year, a certain trend has settled in for the smartphone world...

Will buyers be more prone to stick with manufacturers they know?

The cellphone boom is in full swing as we enter the second month of the new year. There have been several phones announced that hold some very impressive specifications, all made by a slew of...

Is the Motorola Laptop Dock for the Atrix 4G overpriced?

While some of you may not agree that tablets may eventually seep into the computer realm and take over home computing, there are several technologies floating around that do put the computer world...

Does Sony Ericsson have what it takes to make 2011 a better year?

Over the past year, we have seen several companies break into the smartphone market. Some nearly crashed and burned, others shined. Among those, one that hung around the middle of the pack was Sony...

Android's Law makes new phones shine less, creates a level playing field

I can remember back when I bought my BlackBerry Curve 8330. I purchased it when it first came out and I carried it for over two years without ever wanting another phone. That is, until the Tour hit...

How many times are downloaded applications actually being used?

The race for the bigger, better app store is in full swing. The market for mobile apps is expected to explode over the span of the next few years and all the major players want a piece of that big-...

PhoneDog 101: Setting up your Android home screen

One of the biggest drawbacks of Android is its complexity. For new smartphone users, the ability to do so much from your phone – nearly anything you can imagine – is overwhelming. Albeit something...
