Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Mobile Computing: Tablets vs netbooks part deux

Just over five months ago, I made a short comparison of tablets and netbooks. Five months ago, those two items were worlds apart when it came to functionality, portability, battery life, and several...

Is Apple falling behind in the smartphone world with the iPhone?

When Apple launched the very first iPhone back in 2007, they rocked the world by showing us what a smartphone should be. Nearly four years have since passed and every iteration of Apple's iPhone has...

ASUS Eee Pad Transformer First Impressions by Taylor

Primarily being used for music and videos, games, and web browsing, many have written tablets off as unnecessary luxury items. But what if tablets were just as good at productivity and taking care...

Should Microsoft consider buying Nokia's mobile division?

Back in February, we were greeted with some major news on the Windows Phone front. An announcement was released that stated Nokia would be adopting the Windows Phone 7 platform and using it...

Is Samsung trying to make amends to customers with a speedy Gingerbread update?

You may recall a few months back when every tech blog out there, every US Galaxy S owner, and I were relentlessly giving Samsung a brutal lashing. They made several hollow promises of the Froyo...

Will the new Galaxy Tabs kick-start an Android boom in the tablet space?

From the very beginning of Android's (serious) days in the tablet realm, many have questioned whether it has the capacity to dominate the tablet market in a similar way it has consumed the...

Does custom ROM support affect the buying process?

In a world where new phones are released and others slip into oblivion almost every week, or so it seems, choosing your next phone is no joking matter. A lot of time and effort is spent researching...

What are custom recoveries for Android?

Being able to hack and mod your Android device to no end is a huge selling point for the platform. Flashing custom software, or ROMs as they are often called, and tweaking the device until it no...

Possible issues with the next Android Market update

If any one aspect of Android truly represents its profound growth, it would have to be the Market. It has risen from just a few thousand poorly coded applications to well over 200,000 (yes,...

How Google plans to integrate NFC into the future Android experience

Likely due to its lack of current use and availability or even a real-life showcase of what it is truly capable of, many have written NFC off as a novelty feature and one that they would hardly care...

Does Google want a truly open platform?

The majority of consumers of the PC and mobile world have had an ongoing love-hate relationship with open source systems. Everyone loves the open ability to take charge and, for the most part, have...

Will the Mango update make Windows Phone 7 a true competitor?

It has been just over six months since Microsoft's latest mobile endeavor became available to the public here in the States. Some predicted that it would pose a threat to Apple's popular iPhone and...

Why I want the BlackBerry Bold 9900

Out of all of the BlackBerry fans in the world – there are still quite a few, believe it or not – many of my friends, family and colleagues believed I would likely be the last to ever turn my back...

Who will be the one to knock Android off its pedestal?

The first quarter of 2011 made it the second quarter in a row that Android was the top mobile platform in the world. Rising from one phone on a single carrier in 2008 to hundreds of devices on...

Is HP focusing on webOS for tablets and computers over handsets?

Since the Palm buyout went down, we have heard very little from HP about webOS, specifically about webOS handsets. The floating rumor towards the end of 2010 was that we would see one webOS device...
