Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

What to look for when browsing for a new custom ROM

One of the most popular aspects of the Android mobile platform is the ability to customize and tweak your phone to no end. The more serious type of tweaking and modding is known as loading or...

Have we become too dependent on network speeds?

With the ability to browse the web at snail-like pace, the first “smart” phones that made their way into the consumer market were slightly ahead of their time. The networks that the first...

Are capacitive and software keyboards the way of the future?

Being a long-time BlackBerry fan, I have always been a strong proponent of good, quality hardware keyboards. When I took the plunge and went all-touch, having an on-screen keyboard was the sole...

Will we begin to see more tablets coming with hardware keyboards?

Though they may be the hot ticket item of the year, tablets are still a new product that is far from being a proven technology. They aim to reduce the need to carry a laptop everywhere and many like...

Should RIM have waited to launch the PlayBook after BlackBerry World?

RIM's annual event, BlackBerry World (formerly known as WES), is being held in Orlando, Florida on May 3-5. A few years ago there was always a lot going on for the Waterloo-based company (device...

Should cell phone manufacturers focus more on going green?

We here at PhoneDog and you guys and gals alike mainly focus on new mobile tech, when a new device is coming to the market, what specifications it will feature, etc. But seldom do we stop and think...

Why the Verizon iPhone had little impact on AT&T's Q1 results

Until February of this year, AT&T had free reign over iPhone customers here in the States. They have been the only carrier to officially offer the original iPhone, iPhone 3G and 3Gs, and were...

The benefits of buying a smartphone with a dual-core processor

Last year was the year of the Snapdragon. Qualcomm's 1GHz processor swept the market off its feet and introduced us all to speeds we weren't used to seeing on Android phones. This year – though we'...

Do lesser-known manufacturers stand a chance in the smartphone realm?

Before Android came along, nearly every aspect of a phone was designed and made by each individual manufacturer. Companies put a lot of time, effort, and money into the design of the phone, the...

Will mobile applications become more expensive as functionality increases?

Applications are arguably the backbone of the smartphone and tablet worlds. Without the hundreds of thousands of applications available for our touchscreen pocket computers, they would be nothing...

Are upcoming smartphone and tablet processors overkill?

Over the last two years, smartphones have greatly changed. The technology inside our pocket computers has undergone some major improvements; displays have increased in size and clarity, cameras...

Will Samsung face another angry mob over Gingerbread updates?

The update process for Android as a whole has been less than stellar from the start. It has been tarnished with all sorts of negative feedback from users, manufacturers, and tech blogs alike over...

Should more phones have solar panels on their battery doors?

The push for a greener world didn't end with the likes of Frank Lloyd Wright. Whether it be solar panels bolted on the top of a building, a strong push for recycling, or positioning a skyscraper in...

Is smartphone pricing on a steady rise?

I can remember back to when I was just a young lad and my mother would frequent the carrier store in hopes of getting a new phone. At the time, there were no smartphones (commercially available),...

Does installing Android on mid-range handsets tarnish the OS?

Android hit the market in September 2008 with two major competitors, the businessman's BlackBerry, and the consumer's dream phone, the iPhone. With Apple's product, there is no choice. It's...
