Recent rumors have suggested that in addition to the regular Galaxy S6, Samsung is prepping a version of its next Android flagship with two curved edge displays. Today another report has come out in support of those rumors.
Bloomberg claims that Samsung will debut two versions of its Galaxy S flagship next month. They’ll both allegedy have all-metal bodies, Samsung’s newest processors, and 5.1-inch displays, say the leaksters. Additionally, one of the devices is expected to have a three-sided display.
While still very much unconfirmed, the rumbles that suggest that a three-sided Galaxy S Edge is coming are starting to get pretty loud. Samsung already has a device with a main display and one curved edge display (the Galaxy Note Edge, shown above), and so I could see it try out a device with two curved edge screens to see how consumers react. What will be interesting is seeing how the device handles in everyday use and how Samsung will make sure that the two edge displays aren’t accidentally triggered all of the time.