In May LG took the wraps off of the G3, its new flagship with a 5.5-inch Quad HD display. The Life’s Good crew followed that with the LG G3 Beat and its smaller 5-inch screen. Now it looks like LG is set to go big with a new device called the LG G3 Stylus.
LG recently posted an LG G3 Beat promo video to its official YouTube page, and while its 3 minute runtime is somewhat lengthy, you’ll get a nice surprise if you stick around until the end. Yep, that’s a new device on the right that’s labeled as being the LG G3 Stylus, and it does indeed have a stylus resting against it. The device also appears to have a larger screen than its G3 sibling.
With its large display and included stylus, it seems likely that the G3 Stylus is LG’s answer to the Samsung Galaxy Note line of smartphones. Specs for the LG G3 Stylus are still a mystery, but if LG does intend on making it a Galaxy Note competitor, it ought to give it a beefy set of features, especially with rumors that the upcoming Galaxy Note 4 will offer a high-res 2560x1440 display.
Via Android Central, YouTube