Verizon today officially announced its version of the Samsung Galaxy Camera, which popped up on Samsung's website last week. As expected, the device packs 4G LTE connectivity, and it will be available in both white and a Verizon-exclusive Cobalt Black body. Verizon's version of the Galaxy Camera is fairly similar to the original model that debuted earlier this year at IFA, save for the LTE support, meaning that you can expect it to feature a 4.8-inch HD Super Clear LCD touchscreen, 16-megapixel lens and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.
Customers interested in snapping some photos and then uploading them on the go with Verizon's Galaxy Camera will get their chance to do just that later this week. The Galaxy Camera will be available online from Verizon starting this Thursday, December 13, with a price tag of $549.99. In order to supply the data for all of that photo uploading, the Galaxy Camera can be added to a Share Everything plan for a promotional price of $5 per month, which is half the cost of adding a tablet to a shared plan and could help make that $550 entry fee a tad easier to swallow. Verizon's full announcement of its LTE-enabled Galaxy Camera is available at the link below.
Via Verizon Wireless