There's been more back and forth speculation about the HTC ThunderBolt's launch date than anyone can keep track of, and today another rumor has been thrown into the mix. February 14th is currently the most popular candidate for the TBolt's launch, but a leaked Verizon document claims that that date is no more. As you can see above, Verizon has delayed the device's launch date, with no ETA available right now. Along with the ThunderBolt, it appears that the 4G Mobile Hotspot feature has been delayed.
Since the ThunderBolt will be Verizon's first LTE-capable handset, there's obviously a lot of excitement surrounding it, which could explain all of the speculation about its launch date. A few days ago, we heard a rumor that the TBolt had been pushed back to give it and the iPhone 4 some breathing room, so perhaps now February 28th is the day to look forward to? There's no word just yet, but we'll be sure to update you when we know more.
UPDATE: It appears that some Verizon stores have begun receiving ThunderBolt dummy units, and they even feature a "Mon., Feb 14th," date on HTC's flip clock widget. What a tease!
Via Droid-Life (1), (2)