Usually when we hear of a network outage, it only occurs in one or two portions of the country, but this morning Verizon is experiencing network troubles that are much worse. Reports have been flowing in this morning saying that Verizon's 3G network has been down having issues across the country, leaving many completely unable to browse the Web for several hours. Things seem to be working smoothly now, though, and Verizon has issued a statement on the matter:
Last night, during routine maintenance of our 3G network, a technical glitch hampered the ability of customers to reach the Internet through web browsers on their phones. This technical glitch lasted from approximately 1:40 am – 5 am ET, and covered a large proportion of our regular network. 3G network coverage was never out, just this one particular service. Full capabilities were fully restored at approximately 5 am ET. We apologize to any and all affected customers.
It seems pretty crazy that Verizon's entire network was having issues, but luckily the whole thing happened pretty early in the morning when many users were likely still in bed. Everything looks like it got ironed out within a few hours, which is good for VZW. If it had taken much longer, they may have had a riot on their hands. Were any of you affected by the glitch in the system? Are things working better now?