Tiered data has been infiltrating the wireless industry for some time now, with both AT&T and Verizon making the switch to tiered offerings. Because those two moved to data tiers, many have been wondering if Sprint would switch, as well. Sprint CEO Dan Hesse has come to the rescue, confirming that his carrier won't be switching to tiered data plans any time soon. Speaking at the D: Dive Into Mobile conference, Hesse said that they have no plans to switch, explaining that many customers will pay extra for simplified, unlimited services. One change that could be coming, though is a plan that charges one fee for connectivity for all of your devices, like tablets, phones, etc. Hesse said that that style of data plan will be the next trend in wireless and that Sprint is considering adding such a feature.
On the subject of 4G, Hesse said that while LTE will have a "bigger ecosystem," Sprint wanted to be first with 4G back in 2008, so they selected WiMAX. There have been rumors that Sprint will switch to LTE, but Hesse shot them all down, saying that they'll be sticking with WiMAX for now. Finally, the subject of the iPhone was brought up. Hesse unable to say whether or not Sprint was getting the device, but that they would offer it "under the right conditions."
I'm sure that many Sprint users are breathing a sigh of relief, knowing that tiered data plans aren't coming to their carrier of choice any time soon. What has me really excited, though, is the thought of paying one fee and being able to have data service on multiple devices. Such a plan would simplify the bills of many users, especially with the Great Wave of Tablets coming. Plus, I have a feeling that more users would be inclined to pick up a tablet or similar device if they knew that they wouldn't have to tack on an additional data plan for that device. The wireless industry can be tough to predict, but when it comes to having one fee for all devices, I hope you're right, Mr. Hesse.
Via PhoneScoop, All Things D