Well, that didn't take long. Just a couple of days after the Samsung SCH-I425 Godiva for Verizon first revealed itself to us in to a set of benchmark results, some photos purportedly showing the device in the wild have made their way online. Posted by Engadget, the shots show a Verizon-branded Android smartphone with a set of four capacitive navigation keys on its face, and there's also a removable battery and NFC support found within. Included in the handset's About phone screen is the SCH-I425 model number and Android 4.1.2, both of which we saw in the aforementioned benchmark results. Unfortunately for lovers of the QWERTY, one thing that the device in these photos appears to be missing is a physical keyboard.
Along with Android 4.1.2 and NFC support, the SCH-I425 Godiva is expected to feature a 720p display, Snapdragon S4 processor and 4G LTE connectivity. The Godiva's SCH-I425 model number suggested that it could be a Stratosphere successor with a physical keyboard, but since these new photos suggest that that's not the case, it looks like fans of hardware 'boards may have to hope that Motorola cranks out a new DROID sometime soon. What do you all make of the gradual disappearance of the smartphone physical QWERTY? Do you still need the clickiness that only hardware buttons can provide or are you now perfectly adept with a virtual keyboard?
Via Engadget