There was quite a bit of hubbub surrounding the release of Verizon's version of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus late last year, as it was revealed shortly before launch that the device wouldn't have access to Google Wallet. Many were upset with Verizon about the situation, and the carrier responded with a statement explaining that it wasn't blocking Google Wallet access on its hardware, but that the service needed to be integrated with a secure element on its products and that it was continuing discussions with Google on the matter. Fast-forward a little over a year, and not much has changed.
An XDA-developers forum member has posted a letter from Verizon regarding his complaint that was filed to the FCC about the whole Google Wallet situation. In its response, Verizon reiterated much of what was said before, explaining that it is not blocking Wallet on its devices nor is it blocking users from installing other m-commerce apps. The big red carrier points to Google Wallet's required integration with a device's secure element, saying that it Google is free to offer Wallet without the required integration with that element, similar to existing payment apps like Starbucks and PayPal. Verizon adds that Google can also take part in its "straightforward process" that would allow the search company to launch devices on Verizon with Wallet included.
Some Verizon customers have had luck using some trickery to load Google Wallet up on their devices in the past, but for the most part VZW folk have gone without access to Google's service on their phones. After reading over Verizon's response to this XDA user's FCC complaint, it doesn't appear that the carrier will be budging from its stance on the matter any time soon. For Verizon customers that absolutely need to do some tap-to-paying, the carrier does support the Isis mobile payment service, which recently went live in Salt Lake City and Austin. There are a handful of Verizon handsets that can be used with Isis, included the Note II and RAZR MAXX HD.
Via Droid-Life, XDA-developers