Noah Kravitz

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Noah Kravitz

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Quick Links: Amazing Japanese phones and Camera phone shoot-out

Two bits of mobile phone entertainment for your surfing pleasure today: First, Symbian has posted a sure to make you smile marketing video called "Boo-hoo for you!" that basically rubs our faces in...

SE P1i Overview: I want one, Now!

The Sony Ericsson m600i is one of my favorite mobile phones of all time.  I ultimately gave mine up because it lacked both a camera and a US-compatible 3G connection (or EDGE, for that matter).  But...

RAZR 2: Electric Boogaloo

Motorola held a special event in New York City this morning at which they unveiled the RAZR 2 along with a handful of other new(ish) mobile handsets.  The successor to one of the most popular cell...

Phone in 60: Helio Ocean Pt. 1

Noah's Samsung UpStage-M620 review

I might be dating myself here, but do you remember those Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ads that hawked chocolate peanut butter cups under the slogan, "Two great tastes that taste great together"?  Every...

Open source smartphones: Sun announces JavaFX

The big Sun JavaOne conference is going on in San Francisco, CA this week, and the software company used the gathering to announce their revamped efforts to compete in the world of Web-enabled mobile...

Drop, Sony Ericsson releases four new handsets.

Sony Ericsson dropped four new handsets today at a press event in London, including two US models.  While all of the phones are GSM, and so will work on T-Mobile and Cingular in certain parts of the...

PWN the iPhone: Helio Ocean to drop soon?

Forget the iPhone - this season's real mobile prize might just be the Helio Ocean.  And it looks like Helio may be getting close to a full month's jump on the impossible task of stealing some of...

Windows Mobile 6 on T-Mobile Dash: Friday May 4th...or right now

Word has leaked that T-Mobile will be offering Windows Mobile 6 Smartphone Edition as a downloadable upgrade to Dash owners starting Friday, May 4.  Presumably new Dashes will begin shipping with WM...

AT&T launches, and then pulls N75 and CU500v

So this was kind of weird.  Last Thursday word started circulating that AT&T (aka "The Old Cingular") was offering the long awaited Nokia N75 - along with the less-long awaited LG CU500v -...

Noah's Samsung SCH-U740 review

A few years back, Motorola generated a lot of buzz in the mobile phone community with their ultimately ill-fated MPx (MPx300) dual-hinge clamshell.  The mpx packed a full QWERTY keyboard into a...

Virtual BlackBerry: RIM bringing application suite to Windows Mobile 6

Research In Motion announced Monday plans to bring versions of the entire suite of BlackBerry applications to Windows Mobile 6 users.  The application suite, planned to be offered later this year for...

All hail Morgan Pozgar, queen of texting!

It figures that a teenager would win the title of fastest texter in the West, right?  13-year-old Morgan Pozgar spelled "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" in 15 seconds on an LG VX-9900 "enV," sans...
