Taylor Martin

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Taylor Martin

Taylor Martin is the Managing Editor for PhoneDog and has over six years of experience with BlackBerry and two or more years of hands-on experience with mobile platforms like Android, webOS, and iOS. When he isn't writing into the wee hours of the morning, Taylor is hacking, tweaking, and modding one of his phones or tablets to do his laundry and cook his breakfast. Away from cell phones and other gadgets, Taylor spends his time with friends and family and enjoys playing video games, eating sushi, tweeting, and watching anything of worth on Netflix – especially documentaries. If you have any Netflix recommendations or tech-related questions, follow him on Twitter. Just remember to keep it under 140 characters, folks.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Will Android Market surpass the App Store?

In what seems like just a few months, Android has rose from mythical mobile software to the top operating system in the world. For just over two years, we have watched Android grow and adapt in...

Should media sharing between mobile devices be easier?

From the time I got my first camera phone, I started taking pictures of anything and everything that interested me. Whether it was a truck in my school parking lot missing three tires or the most...

Will tablets eliminate the need for a home computer for the average consumer?

Over the past year, many people have questioned whether this newer generation of tablets is even necessary. As “scaled-up smartphones,” do they serve a purpose? Are they worth buying? Many who have...

Taylor's top five free Android games to keep you busy

A major advantage that iOS has had on Android since the very beginning is gaming. While Android isn't quite the gaming platform yet, some big changes are coming and we're starting to see a lot more...

Is there really a need for a Facebook phone?

Rumors of a Facebook phone have been circulating for roughly six months now, and even though Zuckerberg tried to put an end to those rumors a while back, they keep on rollin' in. Most of us are...

How will a webOS tablet fare among the competition?

As the rumors of webOS tablets (PalmPad, TouchPad, Opal, Topaz, etc.) first began, I was somewhat skeptical about how the device would fare among the relentless competition like the XOOM, various...

Should Android tablets have custom user interfaces?

As the pending barrage of Android tablets approaches, a few questions come to mind. The most important and obvious deal with hardware. What processors or how much memory will your favorite tablet...

Should Verizon charge a premium data fee for 4G smartphones?

As the first 4G Verizon phone approaches, we are all still wondering how Big Red is going to charge for access to their new LTE network. We know they will be scrapping their tiered 3G data in the...

Why is Motorola continuing to lock bootloaders?

A hot item as of late has been whether or not customers should have the right to do what they please with their devices after purchase. Manufacturers like HTC, Motorola, and Samsung, aren't exactly...

Is the Flip concept phone the future of mobile?

A while back I brought up the topic of how many smartphones are beginning to look alike. Though many thought it was a petty argument, manufacturers have pushed creativity to the wayside and found...

Should Apple keep the iPhone on Verizon and AT&T for now?

The iPhone. One of the most influential pieces of technology to ever grace us with its presence. Also, one of the most popular devices of all time. So popular, that Apple still can't keep up with...

Was Tim Cook off base by calling Android tablets "scaled-up smartphones"?

Considering the Android tablet boom is about to hit, I expected Apple to chime in at some point to belittle the competition as much as they can. Typically, I pay no mind to companies criticizing...

5 tips to help keep your Android device more secure

Over the last few years, we have transitioned from using our computers for simple daily tasks to cell phones. As a result, our phones have become our personalized lifelines. Never leaving our sides...

Are US carriers to blame for the Galaxy S Froyo delays?

It has only been a few days since we last heard of the Samsung Galaxy S debacle, and it seems we were overdue for some more rumors. This time around, the source is coming from an anonymous Samsung...

Why is Sprint just now starting to charge a data fee?

I've gone over the history of Sprint's comeback several times through now. It was a complete turnaround and a very impressive one at that. In a little under a year, Sprint changed their price plans...
