This has been a big week for Android app updates from Google, with Gmail getting Exchange support and YouTube gaining a better video recommendation system. Now it’s time for Google Photos to get an update.
Google Photos for Android is now being updated to version 1.19 with a few notable new features. The first is a new search bar to help you quickly find the photos that you’re looking for. Just tap the search bar at the top your your screen and search for whatever it is that you want to see, and Google Photos will show you what’s in your image library.
The v1.19 update to Google Photos also lets you customize the movies that the app automatically creates. You can add your own music, photos, and videos to these clips to help really make them special.
Finally, Google Photos is getting better management tools. The v1.19 update allows you to rename or delete device folders that you’ve made and also manage your photos that are on SD cards by adding, a new folder and copying and moving images.
The Google Photos v1.19 update is now rolling out on Android and it’ll be available on iOS soon.