Back in 2010, I went all-in with Microsoft and Windows Phone. I was using some nondescript Windows device back then, and the story that Microsoft was pitching was too good to pass up. Especially as someone who played video games as often as I did back then, the universe where all of Microsoft’s devices spoke to one another, and where I could pick up one device, play a game, and continue my digital escapades on my computer when I got home was brilliant.
I wanted that future, and back in 2010 I thought I actually had it.
Microsoft never delivered on that promise, though. The company would go on from there, talking about that reality, where its platforms were all in sync at some level or another, year after year, without actually really hitting the nail on the head. It was close, though! You could almost touch it, it was so close.
So when Microsoft unveiled Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile, and at the same time announced that its Xbox platform was getting Windows 10, too, well, you could imagine how stoked I was all over again. More than a handful of years later and I realized that I was still waiting for Microsoft to give me what they “promised” me back in 2010.
I honestly believe that the only reason that I’ve been waiting all this long, the reason that I’ve been holding out, is because I completely dropped Windows from my life several years ago. Despite the fact that I’ve been happy with Apple’s Mac hardware and software, and have pretty much gone all-in with iOS, it’s all just been a stop-gap. I’ve just been waiting for Microsoft to finally give me what I want.
It also has something to do with the fact that I don’t use my gadgets all that often anymore. I’m sitting here with the iPhone 6s, for instance, and it’s got plenty of new features that I could, and probably should, be using every day. But I don’t. I don’t think I want to learn a new routine at this point, even if I can admit that 3D Touch will probably be the future even beyond iOS.
I just want a phone these days. I don’t even care about having all the apps anymore. I play a total of three games on my phone, and if those went missing because I changed platforms I wouldn’t be too heartbroken.
Microsoft won me over with their presentation of Windows 10/Mobile, so now I just have to hope that when I finally get the devices the wait was worth it.
How about you? Do you plan on switching over to Windows?