Nearly two years ago, HTC teamed up with Robert Downey Jr. to promote the company’s “Here’s To Change” campaign with an…interesting ad. Now RDJ and HTC are back to hype the One M9, and the strange ads have returned as well.
HTC has posted 10 different shorts starring Robert Downey Jr. in different situations. The ads are strange, to say the least, and barely even make mention of the One M9, save for at quick shot of the device at the end. You can find HTC’s page with links to all 10 shorts right here.
It may seem somewhat counterintuitive to make a bunch of shorts with Robert Downey Jr. and barely mention your new flagship product, but the quirky ads are getting HTC some attention, which I’m sure was HTC’s intention. And hey, the clips do show the One M9 at the end, so there’s that.