HTC and Samsung recently spilled the details of their new flagship Android smartphones, the One M9 and Galaxy S6, but there’s one tidbit that neither company revealed: the price of the devices. However, it appears that that information has now been quietly revealed.
Both the HTC One M9 and Samsung Galaxy S6 are being given away as part of contests being held by HTC and T-Mobile, respectively. As is usually the case with promotions like these, each contest has a page full of rules that includes the retail value of the prizes, including the One M9 and Galaxy S6 themselves. According to HTC, the One M9’s retail value is $599, and T-Mobile says that the Galaxy S6 is $699.
Even with today’s news, there are still some things about the One M9 and Galaxy S6 prices that we don’t know. T-Mobile’s contest doesn’t specify how much storage the $699 GS6 comes with, though I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the base 32GB model. There’s also no word on how much subsidized pricing for either phone will be, but $199 with a two-year contract is the standard for new flagship phones.