The smartwatch market has been booming lately, with everyone from Apple to Samsung to LG to Motorola getting in on the action. One manufacturer that’s been absent to date is HTC, and while the company is prepping a wearable device, it could be a while before we see it.
HTC America president Jason Mackenzie has revealed to Re/code that his company originally wanted to launch a wearable device around this time, but that “it ended up just not being ready.” Mackenzie didn’t offer any other details on the device, but HTC Creative Labs head Drew Bamford said that while there’s no current wearable that deserves a spot on your wrist, HTC thinks that it’s got a good reason for you to choose its device. HTC also teased that it’ll offer more details on its wearable plans in early 2015.
HTC has gotten a lot of praise for its smartphone design recently, especially with the One (M7) and One (M8), so there’s a lot of interest to see what the company can do with a wearable device. There’s certainly a lot of stiff competition in the smartwatch market from the likes of Motorola and Apple, but I’m betting that there’ll still be some interest in HTC’s wearable when it comes out.
What kind of wearable would you like to see from HTC?
Via Re/code