Earlier today, HTC and Verizon officially took the wraps off of the HTC One (M8) for Windows, a Windows Phone version of the HTC One (M8) that launched back in March. Verizon said that it had an exclusive on the device, but apparently that exclusive is of the timed variety, not permanent.
AT&T says that it also plans to offer the HTC One (M8) for Windows. However, it didn’t say when it will begin selling the device or how much it’ll charge for it when it does. Launch and pricing details will be revealed “at a later date,” AT&T says.
Even though we don’t have many details on its availability, it’s good to hear that the One (M8) for Windows will eventually make its way to another U.S. carrier. Because I’m sure that many of us, like our friend Evan, are tired of exclusives.
Via AT&T