Well, that didn’t take long. Just a couple of weeks after BBM launched on Windows Phone in beta form, the app is getting a new update that strips it of its beta tag.
BlackBerry just announced a new update to BBM for Windows Phone that bumps the app up to version 1.01. Included are some performance improvements and bug fixes that were discovered during the beta period, such as a tweak to speed up the app’s load time.
In addition to those performance tweaks, today’s BBM for Windows Phone update removes the app’s beta tag. This suggests that BlackBerry believes that its app is ready for use by all.
While BBM for Windows Phone’s graduation from beta doesn’t mean much to existing users, the bug fixes and performance improvements mean that you BBM for WP’ers ought to snag this update ASAP. And if you haven’t yet installed the app, you can do that right now by hitting up the Windows Phone Store link below.
Via Inside BlackBerry, Windows Phone Store: BBM