Android Wear hardware is officially making its way onto consumers’ wrists, and Google has even sectioned off a special area of the Play Store just for Android Wear-ready apps. Unfortunately, one problem has arisen: it was recently discovered that users are unable to install paid Android Wear apps. There is some good news here, though, which is that Google has a workaround.
Over on its official Android Developers blog, Google explains that the “assets/“ directory of paid apps that contains the Android Wear APK aren’t currently able to be read or extracted. In order to get around this issue, developers can place the wearable APK file in the app’s “res/raw” directory instead.
Google says that it plans to update its app rules in the future that will add support for embedded APK files in the “res/raw” directory. Until then, devs with paid Android Wear apps must manually move the APK using the steps explained on its blog.
It’s kind of a bummer that Android Wear is running into some app issues during the first week of its public availability. Thankfully, Google responded to the issue quickly and issued a workaround that, while not perfect, at least allows devs to address this bug while El Goog comes up with a more permanent solution.
If you’re a developer that’s interested in getting your paid app to play nicely with Android Wear, hit up the Android Developers link below.
How many of you have already gotten your Android Wear device? If you have, what do you think of it so far? For our first impressions of the LG G Watch, check out the video below!