Hot on the heels of the news that Samsung plans to make the Galaxy S 4, S III and Note II compatible with its Galaxy Gear smartwatch through an Android 4.3 update, a rollout schedule for that very update has been leaked by the folks at Android Police. According to the site and its three sources, here's when you Galaxy folk can expect to begin receiving a fresh helping of Jelly Beans:
The document notes that launch dates are subject to change, and that's especially the case with leaked schedules like this one. The news that all of these devices could be running Android 4.3 by the end of December is pretty exciting news for their owners, though, and it could convince some folks to treat themselves and their handsets to a Galaxy Gear this holiday season. With the first update expected to arrive on Oct. 28, it won't be long before we find out whether or not these leaked dates are the real deal. Stay tuned.
Via Android Police