After originally launching its flagship One in silver and black color options, HTC recently added a splash of color to its smartphone with the introduction of a red variant. Rumors have suggested that HTC isn't putting away its paintbrush quite yet, though, as a recently-leaked pair of renders claimed to show an unannounced blue version of the HTC One. That blue handset is back again today, but this time we're a getting a peek at what may be an actual unit in the flesh aluminum.
Posted to Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo, the two photos depict what is said to be the blue HTC One, both with and without its display panel. The device features the same BoomSound speakers and front-facing camera layout as existing One models, and the photo of the unit with its display panel also includes some HTC branding and a pair of capacitive buttons.
While these leaked shots aren't quite the same as an official announcement from HTC, they do seem to add a bit more weight to the claims that the One will soon come in a fourth color option. The images are said to have been snapped by an employee at a factory that makes parts for HTC hardware, and if HTC has had press renders of a blue One floating around its offices for a while, it's certainly possible that it's also ordered some actual shells to be made. What do you think of this blue HTC One? Do you prefer this look over the silver, black and red models?
UPDATE: As noted by commenter Shawheim Merchant, it appears that the second image in the original post may have simply been of a silver HTC One with protective stickers on it. However, Chinese site Mobile01 has shared a new photo of what looks to be a blue HTC One that's made its way out in into the world. You can check that shot out, as well as a larger version in a gallery, down below.
Via Engadget, Sina Weibo, Mobile01