Looks like ZTE has cooked up another Android smartphone for Cricket, as a new handset referred to as the ZTE V8000 has passed through the FCC complete with Cricket-friendly bands and the carrier's branding. As discovered by Phone Scoop, the ZTE V8000 has been given the green light by the FCC, and buried inside the filing is some photos that show the front and rear of the phone. The face of the V8000 features a set of four capacitive Android navigation keys (Menu, Home, Back and Search), while the handset's backside reveals an 8-megapixel camera along with Cricket, Muve Music, SRS Audio and ZTE branding.
While the FCC's listing for the V8000 is light on actual specs, a PCMag hands-on report from CTIA in May lists the device as having a 4-inch 800x480 display, 1.4GHz single-core processor and 1,900mAh battery. The V8000 was also running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich at the time, which is interesting considering the four capacitive keys on its frontside. While it's still unclear exactly when the V8000 will launch on Cricket or how much it'll cost when it does, the ZTE handset could make for a good option for Cricket customers in the market for a larger smartphone. Now we wait for Cricket to come forward with the V8000's availability details. Once we hear more, we'll give you a heads-up.
Via Phone Scoop, FCC, PCMag