Moving up a spot during this last week of August 2012, the Apple iPhone 4S is our feature user review this Thursday. As a review site for everything cellular, we love we someone finds a device that is best for them, and that is what PhoneDog fan JOEK1971 found in the iPhone 4S.
"Best For Me" By JOEK1971 on August 29, 2012
I tried all the smart phones (BB(8750,Torch)Android, Palm Pre and iPhone. And I found iPhone is the simplest one and it just works. It just works straight out of the box. Everyone has different needs and wants so iPhone is not for everyone, some people like BB or Android and I even know some people who love there Palm Pre. So it just shows we all different and thats why there are different phones for different people, it does not make anyone right or wrong for liking what they use. There is no perfect phone out there and there will never be cause we are all different people with all kinds of different needs. But the iPhone is good for me and my family.
Display 5/5
Battery Life 5/5
Apps & Media Support 5/5
Reception & Call Quality 5/5
Design/Form Factor 5/5
Overall 5.0