Last week, we learned that Apple has filed for a preliminary injunction against the Samsung Galaxy S III here in the U.S., with the company requesting a block on the device before it begins hitting U.S. shelves later this month. Samsung responded to the news by assuring customers that the U.S. Galaxy S III launch will go on as planned, and it looks like they were right. Judge Lucy Koh denied Apple's request for a quick Galaxy S III block, saying that looking into the request would put too much strain on her court's calendar. An Apple v. Samsung trial is set to begin next month.
This is definitely good news for Samsung and for anyone looking forward to the arrival of the Galaxy S III, which is scheduled to launch on Sprint and T-Mobile on June 21 and will also be coming to AT&T, Verizon, U.S. Cellular and C Spire Wireless. Of course, it's not yet known whether Apple will ultimately have any success in its case against the Galaxy S III (which also includes the Galaxy Nexus), but if you were planning on picking up the new Galaxy S family member once it launches on your carrier of choice, it appears that you'll be able to do just that. How many of you are considering picking up a Galaxy S III? If you are, which operator will you be buying from?
Via Phone Scoop, Reuters