Yesterday Apple took the wraps off of its new iPad and, along with a Retina Display and A5X processor, the new iOS slate also packs in 4G LTE support for AT&T and Verizon here in the U.S. Customers thinking about picking up a 4G-enabled iPad will need to decide whether they want AT&T or Verizon LTE connectivity, but today some news has surfaced that may make that choice a tad easier. Verizon has confirmed that its iPad will feature free mobile hotspot support at launch, but AT&T has said that its model won't have the hotspot feature initially. An AT&T spokesperson told The Verge that it doesn't currently offer hotspot functionality but that it's "working with Apple to enable this feature in the future."
While we're on the topic of the 4G LTE-capable iPad, some of you may be wondering what kind of data plans AT&T and Verizon are offering for Apple's new tablet. This is what the plan and pricing breakdown looks like:
So there are the options you'll have when it comes to selecting a data plan for your shiny new iPad. It's kind of interesting to hear that Verizon's model will have hotspot support at launch (for no extra charge) while AT&T's version won't, and that's one feature that may sway some folks in the direction of the Big Red iPad for now. Of course, I'm sure AT&T is working as fast as it can to get together a mobile hotspot offering for its own iPad. We'll be sure to let you know more on the situation as we get it. Any of you pre-order a new iPad yet? If so, which model did you pick?