Even though Motorola's DROID X has had a few issues since its launch last week, the device is using more data than anything else on Verizon's network. Speaking about the increase in data usage, Verizon's business development executive director Jennifer Byrne said that “On Droid X, we’re seeing something like 5x the data usage of any other device.” When it comes to Verizon and Android as a whole, the carrier has definitely been feeling the love for the little green robot. Byrne drove this home, explaining why the carrier's relationship with the Android platform:
“While we may have had the first app store, GetItNow, we’ve learned a lot, with the watershed being the iPhone. It’s a drastic change from the walled garden stage to the open approach. It’s been a very big shift.” Verizon has “embraced” it, Byrne said. “We’ve seen a tremendous response - so its validated the decision.”
The DROID X hasn't been out long, but Verizon customers are definitely getting cozy with the device. It's not surprising that the carrier has seen a 5x increase in data usage considering the widgets on the DROID X and Android in general. Smartphones are becoming more popular, and those devices are sucking down more and more data, as AT&T can certainly attest to with the iPhone. I just hope that when LTE and tiered data plans roll around, the carriers are generous with their pricing and plans.
Via Android Spin, paidContent