What ever happened to try before you buy? Hordes of CrackBerry addicts
in New York City braved sub-freezing temperatures to line up before 6am
this morning at Verizon stores in hopes of landing a BlackBerry Storm.
Lots of 'em apparently went home (or to the office) cold and angry, as
VZW didn't have enough stock to meet the demand.
So much for reading reviews and carefully considering new purchases
in this time of economic uncertainty. Despite pretty widespread
reports of bugs, lags, and less-than-awesome experiences on Storm's
newfangled clickable touchscreen, BlackBerry fanatics and VZW
subscribers apparently decided it was worth $199, two more years of
contracted service, and standing on Broadway at 5:45 AM to get
themselves the first-ever touchscreen BlackBerry.
reported a 200+ person line at a VZW store in midtown that resulted in
cops being called in to calm angry customers who were turned away
empty-handed just after 8am. WCBS TV
has video of angry, Storm-less Upper West Siders outside of another Big
Red outlet around the same time. Seriously, don't get Upper West
Siders angry, yo.
I just hope that folks who did get themselves a Storm are happy with
it. I've been using mine for two days now, and honestly the more I use
it the more frustrated I get. In all honesty, a firmware update that
allowed me to type WITHOUT clicking the display would go a long way
towards changing my opinion of the thing. Personally I just don't
think the whole SurePress thing helps at all.