Here's a little update on everyone's favorite superphone that was previewed a year ago, released in Europe last Fall, and still "rumored to be coming to an American carrier" soon. The Samsung U940 - a CDMA variant of the F700 - is now said to be headed to Verizon Wireless as soon as March 25 under the name "Glyde." Before you laugh too hard at the moniker, bear in mind that it's better than "Q-Ball," which was the name initially being bandied about the blogsphere. Isn't it?
According to Engadget Mobile, Glyde is on track for a late March release. According to commenter's on the Engadget post, the exact date could be the 25th, and there may also be a Sprint model - the U800 - in the offing as well.
None of this is new to anyone who follows this stuff, and frankly I'm less interested in the exact launch date than the particulars of what will be launching. We already know the 5MP camera originally shown on the F700 will be toned down to a 2MP shooter (Vodafone's F700 packs a 3MP cam); what's still unknown is what operating system the U940 will run: Samsung's Croix or ultra-snazzy TouchWiz UI? Verizon's proprietary UI? Windows Mobile? And what about that Web browser? Full HTML or ... WAP? Those WAP rumors can't be true.
Only time will tell ... hopefully less than a month's worth of time now.