Tuesdays are Apple's traditional new product release day, and this past Tuesday came and went with nary an iPhone SDK in sight. Bad news considering that the SDK was promised for this February and there aren't any more Tuesdays left before March.
All is not lost if you're an iPhone user, though. Apple did quietly release iPhone Software Version 1.1.4, and while all previous iPhone updates included new features, this one "includes bug fixes" and nothing else. The update is a pretty big file, so it stands to reason that something beyond mere bug fixes is going on under the hood - support for a soon-to-be-released SDK, perhaps?
In any case, beware if you plan to upgrade to this latest firmware update. A few reports of updates gone wrong have surfaced across the InterWeb already. Poor Gregg W. Smith claims his "phone is hosed" after the upgrade. You can read his sad tale in the comments at Engadget Mobile.