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BlackBerry 9800 Torch gets another video

BlackBerry 9800 Torch gets another video

It's been awful quiet on the BlackBerry front as of late, so it's nice when there's more than one BBerry related story for the day.  For those of you QWERTY slider fans out there, it looks like the...
BlackBerry Pearl 3G gets AT&T branded bottom cover, coming soon?

BlackBerry Pearl 3G gets AT&T branded bottom cover, coming soon?

The BlackBerry Pearl 9100 received a lot of coverage at WES this year, and it seemed to get a lot of fanfare from the media.  Still, there hasn't been much in the way of rumors or official...
Get a free silicone case for your iPhone 4, not from Apple

Get a free silicone case for your iPhone 4, not from Apple

If you're suffering from the same signal issues many iPhone 4 users are complaining of, by now you know that according to AppleCare you have two choices.  You can either hold your phone a certain...
Some DROID Xs landing early, part of a bigger scheme?

Some DROID Xs landing early, part of a bigger scheme?

Not to be outdone by the white HTC EVO 4G, the Motorola DROID X has also slipped into the hands of some lucky owners well before its release date.  The folks over at Droid-Life have received a tip...
Best Buy Connect launches, wants to connect you to mobile data

Best Buy Connect launches, wants to connect you to mobile data

Best Buy isn't really the type of company that would be expected to launch a wireless data service, but now they've gone ahead and done just that.  The company made its Best Buy Connect service...
Apple gathers iTunes user data to target for iAds

Apple gathers iTunes user data to target for iAds

Sure, Apple's iAd platform seems like an interesting take on mobile advertising.  But have you ever wondered exactly how Apple decides which iAds to use and when to use them?  BusinessWeek has...
How OCD could have caused Apple's iPhone 4 signal issues

How OCD could have caused Apple's iPhone 4 signal issues

After reading varying theories on what caused the signal issues for the iPhone 4 and how Apple can fix it without forcing users to shell out another $30 or hold the phone a certain way, here is...
AppleCare acknowledges iPhone 4 signal problem, provides known solutions

AppleCare acknowledges iPhone 4 signal problem, provides known solutions

It's difficult at best to try and avoid reading or hearing about the iPhone 4's antenna problems and the magic dead spot on the bottom left portion of the phone.  Last week Apple issued a statement...
HTC talks Android updates, says Froyo should arrive before Christmas

HTC talks Android updates, says Froyo should arrive before Christmas

It always takes extra time to port new Android updates to devices running the OS beneath a manufacturer's special skin.  This process often frustrates users of these handsets because they have to...
White HTC EVO 4Gs arriving early at some Best Buy locations

White HTC EVO 4Gs arriving early at some Best Buy locations

The hot white HTC EVO 4G isn't set to be released at Best Buys across the country until July 11th, but some stores are receiving their devices early.  Engadget has received several tips from users...
Root your EVO with a FlashLite

Root your EVO with a FlashLite

If you're a serious Android enthusiast, you've probably at least thought of rooting your device, and chances are even higher that you've actually done it.  If you're an EVO 4G owner directions for...
Twidroid acquired, will be bundled with millions of Android devices

Twidroid acquired, will be bundled with millions of Android devices

The official Twitter client for Android is often considered to be one of the better applications available on the platform and is even built into Android 2.2.  The app may soon have some real...
Samsung Intercept

Samsung Intercept

Technology: CDMAAnnounced Carrier: SprintAnnounced Release Date: Sunday July 11, 2010 The Samsung Intercept touchscreen Android device offers a 3.2 MP camera with video capture, full QWERTY slide-out...
Flash 10.1 demonstrated on Motorola DROID X

Flash 10.1 demonstrated on Motorola DROID X

By now you know that the Motorola DROID X will become available for purchase (if you didn't pre-order one) on July 15th - that's next Thursday!  You probably also knew that the DROID X is slated to...
Analyst: Supply may hinder iPhone 4 sales?

Analyst: Supply may hinder iPhone 4 sales?

Despite record pre-orders and subsequent sales of the iPhone 4, and lines wrapping around corners for blocks on launch day, the newest in the line of iPhone's has had its share of troubles from the...
Apple responds to iTunes fraud, removes developer from App Store

Apple responds to iTunes fraud, removes developer from App Store

A couple of days ago we reported that the Apple App Store may have been hacked, with many user accounts being forced to spend hundreds on apps from a certain developer.  Over the weekend, several...
iPhone 4 unlock nearing completion, T-Mobile iPhone fans rejoice

iPhone 4 unlock nearing completion, T-Mobile iPhone fans rejoice

Whenever a new iPhone or any iOS other device is released, one of the first questions on everyone's mind is, "When is a jailbreak and unlock coming?"  The iPhone 4 has proven to be slightly more...
iPad production increased to 2 million per month and counting

iPad production increased to 2 million per month and counting

The Apple iPad has been available for just over three months now and in that time it was estimated that production of the device had been increased to 1.2 million devices per month, as of one month...
AT&T reacting to network strain, slowing upload speeds?

AT&T reacting to network strain, slowing upload speeds?

AT&T is known for a few things, one of them being the fact that they are the sole carrier (at this time) to provide the coveted Apple iPhone to millions of (insert stereotype here) Apple fans...
HTC DROID Incredible ship date gets pushed back, again

HTC DROID Incredible ship date gets pushed back, again

July 15th is just around the corner, and the HTC DROID Incredible is still nowhere to be found except online.  If you're looking to purchase the Incredible, it's been on backorder ever since it sold...
