This week Google rolled out a hand washing timer to Wear OS to help smartwatch wearers fight the spread of the coronavirus, and now Samsung is doing something similar.
Samsung has launched a new Hand Wash app for the Galaxy Watch. The app includes a 25-second countdown timer that you can use to ensure you're meeting the World Health Organization's hand washing guidelines. The first 5 seconds are for you to turn on the water and apply soap, then you're supposed to wash your hands for 20 seconds.
Also included preset reminders to help you remember to wash your hands throughout the day. You can customize these reminders based on your needs and schedule. Plus, the app can show you how much time has elapsed since you last washed your hands.
Finally, there are daily wash trends so that you can ensure that you're washing your hands on a regular basis every day.
It can be difficult to remember to wash your hands several times throughout the day, especially as many of us learn to juggle working from home with taking care of loved ones. That's where apps like this one come in, and it's nice to see companies like Samsung and Google rolling out apps to help make users' lives easier and safer.
Samsung Galaxy Watch owners can download the Hand Wash app from the Galaxy Store.