Going to college can be expensive, and so lots of services offer discounted rates for students. Today Amazon revealed just such a deal for its music streaming service.
Students can now get an Amazon Music Unlimited subscription for $0.99 per month, down from the normal price of $4.99 per month. The deal is available to Prime Student subscribers, which normally costs $6.49 per month (half-off the normal price), but is available as a six-month free trial to new users.
Amazon Music Unlimited offers ad-free streaming of more than 50 million songs and curated playlists and stations. If you're not sure what you want to listen to, you can also ask for some music based on mood, activity, or lyrics and have Amazon pick out some music for you.
Signing up for a Prime Student subscription also gets you access to thousands of movies and TV shows through Prime Video, discounts on college essentials, and speedy shipping, including Prime Free One-Day Delivery.